Valandovo, Isar

Valandovo, Isar – ancient and medieval city center of the small Valandovo field, in the locality Isar – Source St. Peter, 1 km northwest of the center of Valandovo. The dominant hill, southern edition of the mountain on Platov. Feeding the city consists of two parts: a high northern acropolis with an approximate rectangular shape (240 x 180 m, an area of ​​3 ha), determined by a mural wall and with at least 7 late antique defense towers and a spacious lower city, also with a rectangular form (330/370 x 180/220 m, on an area of ​​10 ha). The crest, 200 m north of the Acropolis, detected remains of the Ranovisant Tower (ⅵ c.). Early antiquity (parts of ancient and Corinth-painted ceramics from ⅵ to ⅳ c. AD Medieval findings have been discovered: Fragments of enaming Byzantine plates, komnenian ceramides, bronze ring, copper skimphates, Venetian coin from ⅻ to ⅹⅳ c. AD Hypothes for killing the site with the ancient city of Idomene and the medieval city of Alapundant. Lit.: T. Tomoski, Valandovo Hisar, Proceedings of the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, ⅵ-ⅶ (1967-1974), Skopje, 1975, 271-278; I. Mikricic, medieval cities and fortresses in Macedonia, Skopje, 1996, 165-168; It, ancient cities in Macedonia, Skopje, 1999, 20-23, 332-333; I. Muskyk, Spatantik Ud Fruchbindiszentiszhe Befestigungen In Nordmacedonian, Munchen, 2002, but. 387 Valandovo, 448450. V. L.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВАЛАНДОВО, ИСАР

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