Tower – a standalone object that serves for defense and living. The towers built Ottoman feudal lords of their properties and chifli or settlements. Have a square and rectangular shape, a few are several floors. They are built of stone with thick walls in which thickness are embedded stone stairs, except for the last floor that is connected to wooden stairs. After the walls there are small openings – disfarters. Larger windows are located on the last floor, where there are also omitted balconies – Teoferchi, performed in wood that lie on profiled stone consoles. Heating is resolved with hearths – fireplaces. The Bagov Tower is preserved in Skopje (most likely from the beginning of ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c.). More towers are preserved in Kratovo, in Kocani, etc. Cr. T. Svetlana Kulevanova.
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