Valandovo – City in southern part of the Republic of Macedonia: 4,402 h. (2002). It is located in the northern end of the Gevgelija-Valandovo valley, at the foot of Mount Plavush, at an altitude between 110 and 150 m. It covers an area of 120 ha. West of the city passes the main road M-1, and through the station in the village. Miravci is associated with the Skopje-Gevgelija-Thessaloniki railway line. It has changed Mediterranean air climate, with an average annual air temperature of 14.2 ° C. The discovered Roman mosaics in several places in the city testify that in the territory of today’s city V. There was a Roman city settlement. As a Slavic settlement V. It is first mentioned in 1349. It was named as Allavand, which means a floral city. Turkish Pathopisic Evliya Celebija, who visited Valandovo in the second half of ⅹⅴⅰⅰ c. It states that it was Niche’s seat. Celebija in his pathopian note says: Valandovo is a Kasba (a small town), surrounded by vineyards and shirts. There are 150 houses with 900 inhabitants, bazaar composed of 50 stores, a small mosque, a hammam, two Anne and a large monastery with many monks. Finding the “Thessaloniki Jade”, V. Any carvanic station. However, it remained a small town in which in 1931. They lived only 1,410 h. That year, the city suffered from a strong earthquake. In 2002 In the V. They lived 4,402 h. Of them 4,279 h. were Macedonians or 97.2%. Among minorities 58 h. Or 1.3% were Serbs, 26 h. Or 0.6% were Turks and little Roma, 13 h. The city is the seat of a municipality that covers an area of 33,140 ha, there are 29 settlements with 11,890 h. The population is mainly engaged in agriculture. From the industrial facilities there are: The Vateks Confectionary plant, the saline sticking plant, tobacco combine “November 6”, a wine cellar with a capacity of 1,000 wine wine, refrigerator with a capacity of 5,500 tons. In the sphere of education and culture there is a gymnasium, central elementary school, city library, cinema and local radio station. FolkFest “Valandovo” is held each year. The city has a hotel, a health center, mail and a seismic station. Lit.: Aleksandar Stojmilov, socioeconomic geography of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 2005. Al. ST.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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