The deities of ancient Macedonians – are characterized by their own specific Teonimes and attributes. The Supreme Deity noted in the literary writings and in the epigraphic inscriptions carries Tonem Hetaireios (related to the Macedonian institution Hetiri) or Herperberetas (the month of the Hzperbatureios and the Hyperberetia holiday). The female deity alkedemos is the equivalent of the Hellenian goddess Athena. Similar deity is GLUGAI; Zeirene is “Macedonian Aphrodite”. Divine with a cult in Struma is Bendida, represents the “Great Mother”. One of the most respected deities in Macedonia is Artemis (peasantitis, gazorethis). Teonims Agroother, Umeia, Ksengogos are typical of Macedonian mythology. In Macedonia is the oldest cult of the Dionysus), associated with the followers that celebrate the bacteria and the mother (in Macedonia are called clodels and mymalons). The cults of the nine music and the mythical singer Orpheus were respected. The cult of the sun and the symbol of sunny rosette (the most common cult and ruler symbol in Macedonia) reflected immortality. The Macedonian priests are Mo-Lat of the Deity Beds – “air” (of Frigian J. Water), ritual sacrifices are offered in honor of the water-and the River Savior. The Macedonian God of War is Deandos. The ancient religion in Macedonia is an expression of spiritual culture and identity of ancient Macedonians who, in syncretism with cultures of other peoples, represent the ancient civilization, more precisely the spirituality of the old world. Lit.: Heroopus, Ib, Harvard Universitis Press, 1960; Plustarzch, Alejander, Harvard Universitis Press, 1959; Hess., S. c.; K. L. Rufus, de rebuch gestis Alejandri Macedonis, Parisiis, 1822; R. Bart, hood, mythology, semiology, Belgrade, 1979; D. Tyjhians, A. Cermen, Glossary Dictionary and Rimske mythology, Belgrade, 1979; D. Popov, Bendida, Sophie®, 1981. A. Shook. Title of “Sunday Gospel” by Pavel Bozhgropski (Thessaloniki, 1852) Bozhre, Hadji Pavel
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet