Hetiri (Hetairo) – an old Macedonian institution, the closest associates of the King, his companions in peace, war and hunting. They took the oath that they would have the same friends and enemies like the King. From the time of Philip ⅱ Macedonian, among them, strangers were included, and the affiliation could be honored (eg tragodiographer Euripide). At the time of the campaign of Alexander ⅲ Macedonian, they constituted the core of the Macedonian army, and later this name was transferred to the entire cavalry. Not .: Lj. Tsuzru Rufi, Historiaum Alejandri Magnia Machadonis, Lipsiae, 1893. Lit.: N. Proceed, History of Argetads, Skopje, 2004. K. M.R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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