Bietkski, Trldo Ristov

Bietkski, Trpko Ristov (village Fire, Vodan, Aegean part of Macedonia, 5. ⅲ 1938) – ethnomusicologist, melograph and composer, scientific advisor and researcher of vocal folk music in the People’s Music Department at the Folk Music Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov” in Skopje, retired. At the time of the civil war in Greece, along with the family, he crossed in the NRM. He finished elementary education in the village. Ergelia (Sveti-Nikolosko), a secondary music school in Skopje, and then graduated from the Faculty of Music Arts (Music Folklore Department) in Belgrade (1967) and PhD at the Music Academy in Skopje on the topic “The Debut of Sr Macedonia – Architectonics and Rhythm in the Light of theoretical music insights “(25. ⅲ 1983). Two years, he was a music teacher in Sveti Nikole, and after graduating from the music academy, he spent the rest of the working life as an ethnomusicologist at the Institute of Folklore “Marko Cepenkov” in Skopje, from an expert associate and an assistant to a scientific associate (1 ⅻ 1967 – 1986), Senior Science Associate (1986) and scientific adviser (1992) in the Department of People’s Music. One mandate was also director of the institute (from 1 ⅶ 1967). Melographed over 15,000 Macedonian folk songs and published two monographs and 12 collections with Macedonian folk songs, of which 4 in co-authorship with Dr. Lazo Karovski. BIB.: MACEDONIAN PREPAR People’s songs, Skopje, 1979 (with a corridor); Macedonian folk humorous-satirical songs, and ⅱ, Skopje, 1982 and 1986 (with a correlator); The colleague in SR Macedonia, Skopje, 1986; Macedonian folk songs from Meglen, Skopje, 1985 (selection and musicological processing, with a correlator); Fallen Macedonian folk songs, Skopje 1988; Macedonian folk songs from Vodina, Skopje, 1989 (selection and editorialization); Macedonian folk songs from Kukushko, Skopje, 1989 (selection and editorial office), Macedonian folk songs from Drama, Skopje, 1995 (Selection and editorial); Macedonian folk songs from Lerin, Skopje, 1995 (Selection and editorial); Macedonian folk songs from Sisco and Demirhisar, Skopje, 1997 (Selection and editorial); The melody of the Macedonian folk song and its relations with other genres and cultures, Skopje, 1997; Macedonian folk songs from Kostur, Skopje, 1999 (selection and editorial office); The folk song of Gorani, Skopje, 2001. S. Ml. Bicili, Peter Mikhailovich

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БИЦЕВСКИ, Трпко Ристов

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