State property in the NRM / RM Property whose bearer was the state

State property in the NRM / RM – ownership whose bearer was the state. In the NRM in the period of administrative management of the economy, state property was introduced (generally benefits) of the basic means of production. In this period, state ownership, basically, was created through the nationalization of private property or with “expropriation of expropriations”. The state was the holder of the political power and the owner, the entity of the overall state-owned fund. This type of property is gradually transformed into social property, with the introduction of self-management in the fifties in the fifties of ⅹⅹ c. The Law on Property and Other Real Rights (2001) explicitly introduces state ownership in the Republic of Macedonia, along with the private property and ownership of the units of local self-government. State ownership in the Republic of Macedonia is created by transforming the means of production and land of social state-owned land. Lit: Svetomir Shkaric, constitutional right of the SFRY, the first book, Macedonian book, Skopje, 1986. St. w.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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