Dulgersade Mehmed Efendi

Dulgerisade Mehmed Efendi (. (Skopje, Istanbul, 1569) – Ottoman poet Rodum from Skopje. He was educated in his hometown in Istanbul. He was a professor in Tire, Bursa, in Sofia and in Eadrane, and in 1559 He was appointed a professor of Sahngedresa in Istanbul, the highest educational institution in the Ottoman Empire. It was pointed out as a calligraphite and poet, writing poetry in Turkish and Arabic. Little: Evli Hazim Shabanovic, Sarayevo, 1967, 286, a tooth. 61; Herbert Duda, Dzkkub 17 Yahrhondart, Balkanzhe Student, New, 1949, 29, tooth. 63. F.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДУЛГЕРЗАДЕ Мехмед ефенди

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