Bogovin Lake

Bogovinsk Lake – Postal Lake of Shar Planina. It is located in the valley of the Bogovinska Reka (Lake River), at an altitude of 1,936 m and is the largest of this type of lakes in the Republic of Macedonia. It is evoked in the terminal swimming pool, at the place where the mountain glacier, behind the choven mates, and is protected. In the direction of the JZs, it is a long 245 m, widely 210 m, and the biggest depth is 2.2 m. The length of the lake coast is 1,200 m, and in these frames it occupies 26,880 m. Water is filled by groundwater and from springs, precipitation, surface waters, etc., and it loses water through evaporation, underground leakage and via surface powder. Lit.: D. Krivokapic, Shar Planina, tourist stamp, Belgrade, 1969; Aleksandar Stojmilov, tourist values ​​of the mountains in SR Macedonia, PMF, Skopje, 1975. Dr. C. Bogovinje – Village in Tetovo. It is located at the transition of Shar Planina to the Polog valley, at an altitude of about 550 m. The regional road is related to Tetovo. There are 6,328 h. All of the Albanian minority. It is the seat of the municipality, which covers an area of ​​14,555 ha, there are 14 settlements with 28,997 h. In the village there is an eight-year school and a health station. Al. ST.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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