Philosophy in Macedonia

Philosophy in Macedonia – the form of human spirit creativity that includes a view of the world and aspiration to recognize and explain the overall reality; teaching discipline. The beginnings of the philosophy of the soil of Macedonia are related to the emergence of Slavic literacy. The creators of the first Slavic letter are the authors of the first philosophical texts. St. Cyril (Constantine) philosopher (c.) He also gave the first definition of philosophy in Slavic language: philosophy is an understanding of God’s and human things, for a person to get closer to God and teaches the man with the works to be a picture and a character of the he created. Cyrillometodieval philosophical and theological tradition have established many of their students. St. Kliment Ohridski (c.) In his conversations he represents ethical attitudes for virtue as an activity with which man strives to get closer to God. Constantine Bregalnica (c.) In the “Leave Gospel” exposes its ethical views: The purpose of life is a moral life filled with good deeds, and the means of moral improvement are faith, gratitude and love of God. He translated into Slavic one of the most important works by Christian Theology, the four conversations against Ariaans, from Atanasij Alexandria, giving great contribution to the creation of Slavic philosophical terminology and in general in the development of the theoretical activity in Slavic language. Crnorizec brave (c.) In the famous SPee “for the letters” exposes a kind of philosophy of culture, committing to the right of the Slavic language of his own alphabet. Georgi Stardelov: “SMAMMA ASTTHATICE”, (1991) in the first half of ⅹ c. He appeared (c.) Bogomilism, a social movement against all the form of violence and exploitation, which in his philosophical-theological foundations (Cosmogony, Eshatology) represented dualism. In ethics, the Bogomils propagated absolute asceticism and living in a kind of primitive communist communities. In the first half of ⅹⅳ c. It works the most significant author of that time – Gregory Akindine, originally from Macedonia, who, along with Varlaam, steeped against the mystical teaching of Gregory Palamas, known as (c.) Isyham. In his work “for the essence and activity” Akindine (inspired by Tom Aquinese) represents aristotelian rationalist views, that the only way for the knowledge of the truth, through which God can be recognized, is the knowledge, that is, the ideas, which are the only light of cognition , They are human and do not exist before the things in God, but in the things from which it extracts the human mind. The rise of philosophical thought in Macedonia is accomplished in ⅹⅰⅹ c. The main determination of the thinkers of this period (Joachim Krchovski, Kiril Pejcinovic, Jordan Hadziconstantinov-Djee, Brothers Dimitrija and Konstantin Miladinovci, Rajko Zinzifov, Grigor Prlicev, Kuzman Skarev, etc.) is the struggle for national and cultural independence, for freedom and education. Many Enlightenment Makers, due to specific social circumstances in Macedonia, stayed and acted in neighboring countries. Among the most famous is Ivan Gjorgov (1862-1936), first assistant at V. Want, and then professor and multiple rector of Sofia University, author of more than 300 papers from all philosophical disciplines. Among the two world wars philosophical thought in Macedonia received a new impetus with the opening of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1920), where philosophy is studied as a teaching discipline. Apart from institutional forms of work (in Serbian-Croatian), the faculty organizes lectures, seminars and the wider public. At the seminars organized by Professor (c.) Dusan Nedeljkovic participated a number of young Marxists and Communists, who did not have student status, including (c.) Koco Racin. Its Marxist philosophical perceptions Racin exposed them in a series of texts: “Mr. C. F. Hegel, “published in the SP. “Literature” (Zagreb, 1931), “the significance of Hegel’s philosophy” (a young culture, white-city, 1939) “art and working class”, etc. During this period, philosophical thought also developed more other activities, including Eftim Robev (represented Bergsonovski Ideas) who published the books “on the reflective analysis” and “Leibnitz and Men de Biran” and (c.) Dimitar Gjuvelev (“Schopenhauur’s pragmatist criticism of the mind,” Zagreb, 1935). Philosophy experienced intense and systematic development after the liberation of Macedonia and the establishment of the Department of Philosophy, later (c.) Institute for Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1946). At the beginning of the Department, professors from other Yugoslav university centers were engaged: (c.) Life Radovic, Bogdan Sesic, Zagorka Miykic, Pavao Vuk-Pavlovic and Abdullah Sharcevic, who in Skopje announced more significant philosophical works. Later, with the formation of his own teaching-scientific staff, philosophy, in all its disciplines (history of philosophy, logic, ontology, foseology, ethics, aesthetics, philosophical anthropology, politics, etc.) develop (c.) Josifovski, (author of the first textbook in Macedonian language), Mitko Ilievski, Georgi Stardelov, Kiril Temkov, Ferid Mu-Hić, Violeta Panzova, Kole Jovanovski, Mirko Gjoshevski, Ljubomir Tsuzulovski, Vera Georgieva-Petkovska, Branislav Sharkanosk, Ivan Jerparaos Zarevska, Ivanco Atanasovski, Ana Dimichkovska-Trajanoska, etc. Recognized philosophical authors in Macedonia are Dragan Tashkovski, Dimitar Dimitrov, Boro Kitanovski, Jakim Sinadinovski, Seyfedin Sulejmani, Stojan Jordanovski, Jordan Radevski, Paul was etc. A number of books and articles in domestic and foreign publications have been published, significant research has been implemented, many Masters and Doctoral dissertations have been implemented from all areas of philosophy. Lit.: K. Temkov, the past and the present of the philosophy in Macedonia, a philosophical tribune, Skopje, 9-10, 1985, 7-14; Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje: 1920-1946-2006, Skopje, 2006. V. Panz.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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