Manasiev (Nature), Kiril Stefanov (Gevgelija, 23. 1909 – Sofia, 18. ⅳ 1936) – Macedonian cultural and national and socio-political DEP, poet, prose and dramatic author. Grandson from the brother of Ilinden Revolutionary Argir Manasiev. He teaches at the High School in his hometown. After the wars with the family, it moves to Sofia (1924) and starts the passive life of a fugitive poet. The gymnasium barely survives as a physical worker and a vendor of ropes, but he is the main activist in the Gevgelian quarter, secretary of the Gevgelija brotherhood and chairman of the “birthplace” Program. Publishes humorous-satirical and social-patriotic verses, short stories, humoreski and dramatic texts in many daily and periodic publications across Bulgaria, mainly under the pseudonym: violet, Violence, L-S, Norarazine and Nature. Cultural-social activity develops in the Gevgelija Brotherhood, and in the “Ro-Day End”, organizations and cultural and artistic programs with Macedonian national themes. Especially close to the birth of the birth of Angel Dinev and Mitko Zafirovski and cooperates in their publications “born Kraÿ” (1933), “Macedonian News” (1935-1936) and “Macedonian Simple” (1936). Hardly affected, dies young in great poverty. Lit.: Angelí Dineví, Cyrilí Manasiev (Nature), “Macedonian News”, ⅱ, 54, Sofia, 29. ⅳ 1936, 2; Dr. Blaze Ristovski, reports and profiles from Macedonian literary history, and Skopje, 237-240; Vasil Tocinovski, Rod and Mod, Skopje, 2001. BL. R. John Manasievski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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