Manasiev, Argir N. (v. SEO, Gevgeliska, 1873 – Gorno Jumia, 7. 1932) – Teacher, participant in the Ilinden Uprising, Gevgelija Duke. He completed the Catholic gymnasium in Zejtenick (Thessaloniki). He was a teacher in Novo Selo and Negavan (Thessaloniki), in Smokvica (Gevgelija), etc. places. Moor member became in 1894. By ⅷ 1901 to ⅷ 1905 He was a Gevgeli Duke of Duke and a delegate of the Rila Congress. He was later a Bulgarian Negro governor of Gevgelija (1912-1913) and Strumica (1913-1919). Exhibit. And Lit.: CDA, F. 771, OP. 1, A.e. 17, ll. 17-79; Fighting in Macedonia and Northern 1878-1912 – Memories, Sophie®, 1981. Al. TR.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАНАСИЕВ, Аргир Н