Koneski, Blaze

Koneski, Blaze, Prilep, 19. 1921 – Skopje, 7. ⅻ 1993) – Philologist, poet, university professor. The most prominent figure of the Macedonist in the period after the liberation of Macedonia. Member of the Commission for the codification of the Macedonian literary language and its most prominent representative (compiled for most of the first Macedonian spellings, 1945, and the expanded edition of Macedonian spelling with spelling vocabulary, 1950). Creator of the codesalical papers of the Macedonian language (grammar, dictionary, history, historical phonology). Primary education begins in the native village in less than six years, so that the school is not extinguished due to insufficient number of students. After completing the first divorce, the family moved to Prilep, and there ends eight years of schooling. Secondary education continues, due to the abolition of the gymnasium in Prilep, at the Gymnasium in Kragujevac and graduated in 1939. There it involves the literary life of the gymnasium, it became an editor of the school magazine “Undojladak”, writes songs in Serbian, and already in the beginning of 1939 there is a shift in the language and begins to write in Macedonian. The first song of Macedonian is a letter to a mother (after the reputation of an appropriate song from Mayakovski). After a conspiracy and desire of parents, education continues at the Medical Faculty in Belgrade. But only one semester spent on him, he realizes that his interest is not medicine. Already in the summer semester of 1940 It is transferred to the Faculty of Philosophy, Slavics and selects a rare combination: Yugoslav literature under A, and under B Russian literature and Russian. Attracted by the poetry of some Polish poets (Mizkjevich, Slavic, etc.) visits an optional course in Polish. With the time of studies in Belgrade, his discovery of the folk art of Marko Cepenkov is also related to the famous Bulgarian Proceedings for folk hookup. Dating with this material helps him to do as a student draft of grammar of the Macedonian language and description of Prilep Speech. A good part of these notes were used, after the liberation, in the formation of his grammar (1952, 1954) and the monograph of Prilep Speech (1948). The launch of World War II at the spaces of Yugoslavia in 1941. It prevents tuition in Belgrade, so it is forced to continue studies at the University of Sofia. Here the three semesters from Belgrade were recognized and graduated in 1944. Working on a seminar-foot work for the work of the hopeful Slavist Dimitar Matov, he comes to significant data on the development of the Macedonian language. Among other things, he is introduced to the extension of Aleksandar Theodorov – Balan for the work of Krste Misirkov “for the Macedonian works.” Despite the persistent insistence, it will come directly to this signed work for Macedonian uniqueness, it does not allow it. But the thought of getting acquainted more detail with him does not leave. It uses the first possible case after the liberation, when the social conditions are changed, to seek the work. In June 1945 Go to Sofia, gets the book, makes notes and publish it immediately in the press the extensive article a Macedonian book and thus perform the first popularization of Misirkov in our country. In autumn 1944, even before the full release of the country, he is already in the provisional state and political center of the free territory in the village. Gorno Vranovci, Veles. Here is that translator, corrector and lecturer of newspapers and other publications, hereby holds a wider auditorium cultural and social actions several lectures on the development of the Macedonian language and his literary character. B. Koneski: To the Macedonian Renaissance (second edition, 1959) B. Koneski: Grammar of the Macedonian literary language (1952) After Release Koneski is appointed Lecturer of the Macedonian Theater: translates smaller texts for the game on the stage and the play “Plato Kacket” by Aleksandar Cornichuk, with which on April 3, 1945. It was marked the activity of the MNT drama with a full performance, and it also writes the current one-mother hungry chicken cower, with which the new 1945 was welcomed in the Thea. Before the general public it is presented in May 1945. By teaching Macedonian literature and the Macedonian literary language of the National University in Skopje. Since the spring of 1945 He is at work in the Ministry of Education, participates in many actions in the field of educational and culture, as well as in the establishment of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. One is from the founders of the Faculty of Philosophy (1946), at the Institute of Macedonian Language “Krste Misirkov” (1953), MANU (1967, the first president), the Writers’ Association of Macedonia (1947, the first president), the Company (alliance ) For Macedonian language and literature (1954), the Macedonian Slavic Committee (1963), the SP. “Macedonian language” (1950, first editor-in-chief), etc. Dean of the Philosophy (Philology) Faculty in Skopje, Rector of the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “in Skopje (1958-1960). Member of the academies of Croatia’s academies (1962), Serbia (1963), Slovenia (1963), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1969), and then Vojvodina and Montenegro, as well as Austria and Poland. Honorary Doctor of Universities in Chicago (1968), Wroclaw (1970), as well as at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “in Skopje. The holder is of the Nyagoseva and the Harder Prize, the Awnj awards, “Skender Kulenovic”, the Association of the Writers of the USSR, “Golden Wreath” of Struga Poetry Evenings, etc. Blaze Koneski: Vineyards (short stories) His attitude towards the personality and work of Koneski, the Macedonian scientific and cultural public showed him with the appointment of the Faculty of Philology in Skopje with his name and the establishment of the Macedonian Language Foundation “Nobegovo”. BIB.: Grammar of the Macedonian literary language (and 1952, ⅱ 1954), Glossary of the Macedonian language (and 1961, ⅱ 1965, ⅲ 1966, editor), history of the Macedonian language (1965), historic phonology of the Macedonian language (Heidelberg, 1983 , in English; Skopje, 2001, in Macedonian). Author and many other significant papers: Macedonian textbooks from the ⅹⅰⅹ century – one attachment to the history of the Macedonian Revival (1949), Prilep Speech (1949), Macedonian literature in the ⅹⅰⅹ century – Summary and texts (1950) for the Macedonian literary language ( 1952), Violative Apostle (1956), the language of the Macedonian folk poetry (1971), wanted and renewed (1972), the Macedonian ⅹⅰⅹ century. Language and literary-historical articles (1986), characters and themes (1987), Macedonian places and names (1991). Its also the poke: Earth and love (1948), songs (1953), Vesele (1955), Stern (1966), Handling (1969), old and new songs (1979), taps (1984), collected songs (1987) , Meeting in Paradise (1988), Church (1988), Zlatov (1989), Seismograph (1989), Black Aries (1993). And the translations: Goyal wreath from Njegosh (1947), H. Heine (1952), Othello of V. Shakespeare (1953), Baptism of Savica from F. Prusern (1980), as well as songs from Alexander Block, Adam Mitzkjevich, Vladimir Mayakovski, Sesanka Maksimovic, etc. Lit.: Macedonian language, JJdia-Jujia (1981-1982). Committed to Academician Blaze Koneski on the occasion of the 60th anniversary. Skopje, 1982; Cane Andreevski, talks with Koneski, Skopje, 1991; Liljana Ristevska, a bibliography of the work of the Academician Blaze Koneski. Monument, MANU, Skopje, 1994; Blaze Koneski’s contribution to Macedonian culture. University “St. Cyril and Methodius “, Faculty of Philology” Blaze Koneski “, Skopje, 1999; The work of Blaze Koneski (performances and perspectives) International scientific gathering on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of Blaze Koneski, MANU, Skopje, 2002; Studies and rules for Koneski. Edition “Macedonian Word”, KN. 1, Foundation for Macedonian Language “Nobelovo”, Skopje, 2002; After which I remembered Koneski. Edition “Macedonian Word”, KN. 2, Foundation for Macedonian Language “Unballovo”, Skopje, 2003; Trajko Stamatoski, the thought of Blaze Koneski. Edition “Macedonian Word”, KN. 3, Foundation for Macedonian Language “NebreGovo”, Skopje, 2006; Nero Mini, Blaze Koneski poet and gramatic. MANU, Skopje, 2007. T. S.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОНЕСКИ, Блаже

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