“At work” (Poljay, 1945) – a newspaper in Macedonian language, organ of the Tenth Macedonian But Brigade of New and Pom. He is multiplographic, 32 pages. It processes political topics, gives information about the front, for life in the brigade and for cultural issues. Among other things, the ethnicity of the Ilinden uprising was published, signed with the initials prof. L. K. Lit.: Dr. Boro Mokov, the development of the Macedonian press and journalism (from the first beginnings until 1945), Skopje, 1980, 447; Dr. Boro Mokron – Mr. Tome Gruevski, Review of the Macedonian Press (1885-1992), Skopje, 1993, 121. S. Ml. Andre Navarra

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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