John, Metropolitan

John, Metropolitan (Zoran Vraniskovski) (Bitola, 28. 1966) – Raised Bogca of the MOC, Exarch Ohrid of the SOC. The Synod of the Macedonian Orthodox Church has chosen and chosen to the vicious bishop of the Metropolitan Peter, with the title Bishop Dremski (13. 1998), then he was appointed administrator of the Bregalnica Diocese (12th ⅲ 2000), hence replaced and appointed metropolitan of The Povardar Diocese (10. Xi 2000). It was arbitrary from the Macedonian Orthodox Church, which was deemed (9. ⅶ 2003) and intronated by the Synod of the MOC (4 ⅻ 2000). Prior to the disagreement, he joined the Serbian Orthodox Church (2002), which he appointed him for Exarch Ohrid, and then for the head of the so-called. Autonomous Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric, under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Orthodox Church. It is recorded in the list of Serbian bishops. It acts anti-MOC. Lit.: Ratomir Grozdanoski, Stefan Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonian, Skopje, 2000. Rat. Gr. Jovanov, Marjan (Stip, 12. ⅷ 1966) – archaeologist. He graduated from the Institute of History of Art with Archeology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, where he and the Master’s (2001). Since 1995 is an assistant by items-Marjan Jovanov classical archeology, ancient archeology in the Balkans and the history of the art of old peoples. In 1999 He was a scholar of the University of Vienna, within the Herder’s Prize. He performs research on several localities in Delchevsko, Strumica, Stip, of large city-Prespa, etc. BIB.: New insights on ancient road Stobi-Pautalija, “Macedonian Heritage”, 20, Skopje, 2002; (Co-author with E. Maneva, F. Veljanovska) Chukarkka, Skopje, 2004. D. Z.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЈОВАН, митрополит

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