Forest phytocenoses in dophilical forests

Forest phytocenoses in dophilo forests (class Ljuherzo-Fagetea No. -Bl. ET Biiger 1937): a. Sub-Medital Forests, Union Orte-Tsarpinion Orientalis HT 1954 EMD 1958 – As. TSCCEFERI-TUSPANTOM Orientalis Obold 1948 EMD HT 1954 – Climazonal Widespread Community in Lower Povardarie, south of Demir Kapija. -As. Rudd.1939 Apan. HT 1946 – Air-embedded community in the transitional sub-Mediterranean hotchainental area. Dominated by Dub Blagoon Ljuertus Pubescence. -As. Ljuertum Trojanoea Macedonic EM ET HT (1950) 1959 – Local phenomenon in the rivers of rivers Fever and Black and PL. Galicica. Growing on limestone. -As. Ljuherzo-abatuent Tsarpinifolia Ht 1938 – Orographic-Eedafish conduit community primarily on limestone between 600 and 1200 m above sea level. -As. Overrio-abatement HT HT HT HY-C 1950 – Orographic-Eedafish conditional community in the Gorges of Black Drim and Radika of Limestone between 600 and 1500 m above sea level. -As. Ostate-Ljuertum Cerris Em 1964 – Cerova Forest of a Various Substrate. It meets on Galicica, Buddha Mountain, Baba Sac, Dautica. b. Alliance Ljuherarija Fraineto HT 1954 – populates Coluvial terraces, eutrich campisol. -As. Luersetum Franeto Cerrris Macedonacum Obed 1948 EMD. HT 1950. – A climazonal widespread community in the hotocontinental area in the high valleys of Eastern and Western Macedonia between 600 and 900 m above sea level in the same heights of breasts and belt in the Vardar valley above Blagonus forests. -As. Customers CYPIDO-LURECEMUM Franeto Ree. 1974 – It is widespread in late Povardarie. c. Alliance Ljuercija Petre Cerris Lak. ET B. Job. 1976 – Goruns or Cesky forests on a silicate substrate. Soil District Cambisole. -As. Orno-confectionum Petrew is 1968 – form a belt between 900 and 1100 m above sea level in Eastern Macedonia is a local phenomenon. -As. Orno-Ljuertum Cerris Em 1964 – Cesky forests of silicate substrate along the edge of Pelagonija, Prespa valley, Demirhisar, and in Eastern Macedonia does not meet. Ⅱ – mesophilic forests Order pagoslvation Paali VL.1928. a. Union Tsarpinion Betuli Illkristo-Moissian HT 1956 – forests of oak Gorun and Water Gaber. -As. Luertzo-Tsarpineapum Macedonic Em 1968 – Frequently, on small link-

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