
Galichica – high mountain placed in the final southwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia, which in the form of a typical Horst rises between the Ohrid valley in the west and Prespa to the east. In the north continues in the mountains Petri-but also the East, and with the Swekovo (1,207 m), morphologically separated from Plakenska Planina. There is a meridian direction of streaking with a length of 50 km, the smallest width is between the village. Trpejca and s. Mount Galicica Leskoec (10 km). On Galicica only the ultimate southern parts rise above 2,000 m. This section is known as Old Galicica. The highest peak is Magaro (2,255 m), and at the very border with Albania is a peak with a height of 2,275 m. Wealth with various geomorphological forms and endemic plant and animal life contributed part of Galicica in 1958. be declared a national park. Lit.: T. Andonovski, D. Kolchakovski, Geomorphology of Pelister and Galicica, “Natural-Geographical and Socioeconomic Research”, a project in manuscript, Skopje, 1990. T. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГАЛИЧИЦА

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