Faculty of Economics in Skopje (14. Xi 1950) – the orderly fifth faculty at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “, founded with a Decree of the Government of the NRM” aimed at theoretically to build and practically prepare highly qualified economic personnel. ” After the first school year, he was renamed the legal-economic faculty with two sections – legal and economic (3. XI 1951). After five years, he was still divided into two independent faculties – Faculty of Faculty and Faculty of Economics (1 ⅶ 1956). He is the highest and most official teaching-scientific institution in the Republic of Macedonia in the field of economic sciences, which is constantly expanding and enriching its activity. On him for the first time, a postgraduate studies were introduced in the field of monetary and credit problems (1961/62), and then in the field of economics of enterprises (1966/67), in the field of marketing and economic development with Methods of economic analysis (1972/73). According to the curriculum, starting from the academic year 1998/99. There are sections for management, ecosic management, accounting and auditing and foreign trade. Over 12,000 economists have graduated. Now there are 47 doctors of science and 13 masters of science, with 3,823 (2,140 regular and 1,683 part-time) students. Organize regular postgraduate studies in the field of monetary economy, economic development with methods of economic analysis, business economics, marketing, external pro-meth and management, as well as specialist studies in the field of planning and management of investment projects, restructuring of the economy (small and medium enterprises), management, foreign trade and marketing. Over 420 Masters topics and over 105 doctoral dissertations have been defended. Contributors realized over 130 domestic and international projects of fundamental, developmental and applied character in the field of macroeconomic policy, the strategy of socio-economic development, the economic relations of the country with abroad, management, marketing, economics of enterprises, accounting and business finances, transformation The enterprises with social capital, market and prices, finance and banking. Develops and rich publishing activity. Apart from his “Yearbook”, he has published over 80 studies, textbooks and textbooks. It has rich cooperation with various universities, organizations and institutions in the country and the world. It provides significant support and the activities of the student organization. Within the Faculty, the European Documentation Center (Affiliate of the Center for European Documentation from Brussels). Exhibition: 50 years Faculty of Economics – Skopje, Skopje, 2000; Reports on self-evaluation of the Faculty of Economics in Skopje. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet