Bojanovski-Dies, Dime

Bojanovski-Dise, Dime (Dimche) (Prilep, 12. 1909 – Skopje, 2002) – Communist Deper, fighter, lawyer, historian, university professor, publicist and translator. As a member of the CPY (1932), he issued the illegal newspaper “Boybum” (December 1932 – May 1933) as “a” body of the CPY “, which was why he was sentenced to six years in the KPU” Sremska Mitrovica “and in the CPI” Lepuleva “. He was later excluded from the CPY (1939). Immediately before the Second World War he was interned in Ivanjica (interchange, Montenegro). In the time of NOVM worked in Agitprop at the GS of New and Pom. After the liberation, he completed the Faculty of Law and Minister of Trade and Minister of Justice in the Government of NRM (1949-1958), professor of political economy at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje (since the establishment of 1956), Director of the Institute of Economics (1950-1955) “Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce (1962-1967), member of the Executive Council of SRM, etc. He translated into Macedonian works from the classics of Marxism “Kapi-Tal” (and-ⅲ) and “an introduction in the criticism of the political economy”. BIB.: Attachment to the study of socio-economic relations in Macedonia in ⅹⅴ and ⅹⅴⅰ century, Skopje, 1979; For the nature of the revolution from 1941- 1944 and the Bulgarian fascist regime in Macedonia, the establishment and development of the Communist Party of Macedonia, REC. Second, Skopje, 1980, 893-916. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОЈАНОВСКИ-ДИЗЕ, Диме

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