Bishev, Gligor Pavlov

Bishev, Gligor Pavlov (Strumica, 5. ⅳ 1958) – Economist, banker and UNIV. Professor. Faculty of Economics (1976-1980) and postgraduate studies (monetary-credit theory and politics) ended in Skopje (1980 & 1982) with the master thesis “The money supply in contemporary monetary theory” Gligor Bishev (1985) and defended the doctoral dissertation “supply and demand The money – the case of Yugoslavia “(1991). Guest researcher was at the Vienna Institute of Comparative Economic Studies (1997) and the London School of Economics and Political Studies (1995), and attended courses at the Central Bank Studies Center in the Bank of England at the IMF Institute in Washington and Vienna, in the Bank of France, in the National Bank of Austria and the National Bank of Greece. Worked as an economist in the National Bank of Macedonia (since 1984), General Manager (1993), Viceguverner (1994) and Deputy Governor of the NBM (1997-2000), and then becomes the first general manager of the Stopanska Banka AD – Skopje. At the same time, an associate professor at the Faculty of Economics in Prilep (Bank Management and Interior Finance, as well as postgraduate studies), professor at postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje (Monetary System and Policy, as well as international finance and financial systems and banking) and lecturer The courses of the Securities and Exchange Commission. He published two books and over 200 various articles in scientific and professional publications in the country and abroad. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БИШЕВ, Глигор Павлов

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