Soil degradation -. negative anthropogenization. Negative processes and changes caused by a man destroying the soil or reducing its volume or fertility. In the Republic of Macedonia, it is performed in many ways: with destruction (destruction), which reduces the land fund (erosion, open cops in mining and extravation of various materials, coverage of radio waste, conversion in use to build various objects), then With contamination from other components of the environment (from the air and water) and ultimately, degradation in many ways in agriculture and forestry. Destruction (destruction) and covering the soil. The Land Fund in the Republic of Macedonia decreases with various types of destruction, such as erosion, open cootes in mining, the extraction of various materials, then covering municipal waste and radical waste from mines, thermal power plants, metallurgical and other industrial facilities and finally by conversion In the use of land (conversion) by building aquatic accumulations, in the construction of settlements and industrial and infrastructure facilities. Under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors in the Republic of Macedonia there are 231,000 ha unproductive land (9.1% of the total territory). It is believed that in the mines of coal with excaves will be destroyed 3,000 ha, with radiation waste covered 6,000 ha, under water there are 44,000 ha, many of which are under artificial reservoirs. Under settlements, mines and industrial buildings have 35,000 ha, and under infrastructure facilities 34,000 ha. That land is distracted by agricultural production. Contamination of the soil from the waters – surface waters contaminated with various wastewater (communal, energy facilities, mining, metallurgical and other industrial facilities). Much of these waters fall into ⅳ andⅴclass, i.e. in unfinished irrigation classes. These waters come in contact with soils and pollute them in various ways. These ways are: flood and deposition of nanos in flooded soils, irrigation, infiltration in the grounded waters and from them along the core road in the soil. The soil pollution is the strongest in addition to Zletovska River with heavy metals metal lead (PB), Zinc (ZN), cadmium (CD) and copper (TZU). Our waters in accumulations and in the upper flows of rivers are not polluted and can be used for irrigation. Contamination of the soil from the air. The rapid economic development without the application of environmental protection measures in the Republic of Macedonia leads to air pollution, and through it and soils. Such air pollutants, and through it, soils are: urban environment, traffic, thermal power plants, metallurgical and other industrial facilities. The strongest is the contamination of the air and the soil around some hot spots (primarily around metallurical objects). The soils of the air are polluted, in particular, with heavy meta-tales (lead, zinc, cadmium) and sulfuric acid of acid rain. Soil degradation in agriculture. In our agriculture, in which soils are more millennia, soils are degraded in many ways: by destroying natural vegetation and accelerated erosion (c. Soil erosion), with cultural plants growing in various fruberries, processing, with application of mineral fertilizers and pesticides, with irrigation, as well as from livestock farms. A number of measures against the degradation of the soil in agriculture and forestry are applied. Lit.: F. Filipovski, soil degradation as an environmental component of the Republic of Macedonia, MANU, Skopje, 2003. F. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet