Arsov, Slavejko

Arsov, Slavejko (Stip, 17. 1878 – p. Goganzi, Kratovo, 9. 1905) – Resen Duke. He was educated in the cities of Stip, Skopje and Sofia. Member is TMORO from 1896 It was a school inspector in Kicevo (1899). It is closed by the authorities (ⅹ 1900). At the end of 1901 He acted in the command of Duke Marko Lerinski. From ⅱ 1902 He became the duke of the company that moved in Bitola and Prespa. He was a delegate of the Smilevo Congress. He actively participated in the Ilinden uprising as a resident duke. In the battle of the locality liner, near the village. Gungans, Kratko, was hard wounded and not falling alive in the hands of the Ottomans committed suicide. Exhibit. ILIT: VCastanic movement in Ágoshaded Macedonia (until 1904) – after memories of Slaveko Arsov, SOOBEVA L. Meletic; The eligible movement in Macedonia and Oral – Memories and Materials (phototypic edition), ⅰ¶, REC. H¶, Sophie®, 1978. Al. TR.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АРСОВ, Славејко

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