Antigonides (277-168 BCE) – The second Macedonian dynasty rulers. Founder is Antigon persecuted (277-239); The following rulers are: Demetrius ⅱ (239-229), Antigon Dawson (229-222/1), Philip ⅴ (221-179) and Perseus (179-168), the last ruler in Macedonia, together with Philip C, leads Macedonian-Roman wars. In their time, arranging the state is a traditional monarchy, as in the time of Philip ⅱ. Lit.: Radbius, pla Historia, 6 Wells. Harvard Universitis Press, 1960; N. TARN, Antigon Gonas, Odford, 1913; History of the Macedonian people, 1, Skopje, 2000. A. Shook.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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