Dragashi – feudal family from northeastern Macedonia, founded by the Sevastocrator and Desot Dejan, married with the noble Vladysa (or Theodora-Evdokia), the sister of Stephen Dushan. Basini was Zengigovo and Presevo, and also owned the areas of Skopska Crna Gora to Upper Struma, who joined them after 1355. For his authority in the time of Dushan, he sends the letter to him by Pope Innocent ⅵ (1354). After his death, John’s juveniles and Constantine, together with his mother, Manner And after the Maric battle (1371) the brothers formed an independent state east of the R. Vardar and in Tikvesh (as in Prespa?). After the death of the despot John (1379/1381), Konstantin ruled in the death of Rovine in Vlach (1395). The family was celebrated after a women’s line. Constantine married the daughter Elena for the son of Byzantine King Jo-Van V, Manuel ⅱ (1391-1425), with whom he had six sons, two of which, Yo-Van (ⅷ / 1425-1448) and Constantine (XI / 1449- 1453), were the latest Byzantine emperors. Konstantin Xi Paleologist fancied to call it Dragash. After the fall of Constantinople, one of his granddaughter married Ivan ⅲ, the Great Prince of Moscow – “Third Rome”. Lit.: H. Matanov, Dzastashi’s house. The historianship of northernize Macedonia in the Predesman epoch, Sofia, 1997; D. Anastasijee, Jane’s Byzantine Empress Srpsky, “Brotherhood”, 30 (1939). B. Petr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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