
A verbal – the first layer. Letter, created by Constantine-Kiril Philosopher. Each of its letter sign is formed with multiple moves (hyphens): vertical and sloping down (↓, /, f,) and horizontally (-) on the left to the right. Vertical and sloping hyphens never merges the upper with the bottom line of order. Among the lines in the middle there is an imaginary middle axis where the elements continue or violated. The letters, well-balanced, hang on the upper line, are not connected, which is the page of the verb Sinai Psaltir (XI c.) For priests and solemn texts. The inventor, great erudite, knew more letters, but created an original graphic system. Wisely covered the touches with cramp. and LAT. Scripture, and the influence of the Semittal set is visible – the letters (W, C is the same) hang on the top line. In Mr. It is deeply imprinted and seal of the time when Iconoding (843) and Christian symbols were freely applied. D. Starts with a cross (+ = nose) and is a kind of iconic letter of visual evangelical sermon. The numeric value of glad. Signs are independent of the Byzantine cramp. (ion) tradition due to the added letters for the specific layer. Votes (B, H, F, C, Ch.). Constantine Philosopher retained value only on the initial letters of the three Eenadi (1, 10, 100), as in the cramp. The alphabet, with the fourth Eenea (1000) with the sign; On a glass (Putir), a symbol of communion, i.e. Involvement of a layout. a multitude toward Christ. This old Slavic letter was emerged around the middle of IX., When Byzantine Emperor Michael ⅲ Paleologist, at the request of Moravian Prostislav, Thessaloniki Brothers Konstantin-Cyril and Methodius entrusted the mission for the spread of Christianity among the local population of the Slavic language . The author Konstantin-Cyril compiled him according to the voice system of the speech of the Slavs from the surroundings of Thessaloniki. With that alphabet, several basic religious books were translated from Greek, and along with his brother Methodius in 863. He went to Moravia (c. Moravanska mission). The Glagolitic is composed of 38 letters (according to the Crnorizec bold), which, except voice, have a number. Despite the different opinions, the view is generally accepted that the Glagolitic is older than the Cyrillic. Articles with a verbic letter in Macedonia were found from the end of ⅹ c. The largest number of verb texts were incurred in the Croatian language area, where the Glagolita had the longest tradition and held everything until the first decades of ⅹⅰⅹ c. Most of the oldest stee. Manuscripts from ⅹ-xi c. are enrolled with a clagolic. The tradition of the use of the Glagolitic is particularly led in the Ohrid Literary Center (up to ⅻ / ⅹⅰⅰⅰ c.) Led by St. Clement and St. Naum Ohridski, representing a recognizable hallmark of the oldest period of Macedonian literacy. Although preserved verbal monuments represent only a small fragment of the oldest handwritten heritage, their genre diversity (along with the oldest Cyrillic monuments), testify to the rich spiritual culture of the Slavs in the dawn of Slavic literacy. The oldest verbectic text are Kiev petals (Misal) of ⅹ c., Transcript of the Grandikoravian text made in the medieval Czech Republic. Other well-known verbal manuscripts according to their content represent: the 4th Laco: Zografic Gospel (→), Marijanian Gospel (→), Zografski Palimpsest (→ Zografic B E E EV.), Zografic Gospel (→ Zografic EV.); Optional Gospel: ASemanovo Gospel (→), Ohrid sheets (→ Fragments of Verbic Street. Psaltir: Sinai Psalter (→), Psalter of Dimitar (Alocutor?) (→); Juhologue: Sinai Eugologist (triber with a servant) (→); Misal: Sinai Misal (→); Festive Miney: Sinai Small Miney (→ Fragments of Verbic Strip. Texts); The Slovak for the Great Post and Confession Prayers: Rilski Verbic sheets (→ Fragments of Verbic Street. Anonymous Homija. All of them are transcripts of Macedonian origin, with the exception of Klosk’s ZB. What usually connects to the Croatian environment. Lit.: P. HR. Ilievski, the emergence and development of the letter with a particular focus on the beginnings of the Slov. Literacy, 2001, 105-279; H. Fairy for the Unciential letters, “Voice” … “Vigakovic, in the dawn of Slavic literacy, Skopje, 1973. K. Camb.; P. HR. Il.; ZD. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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