Constantine-Kiril Philosopher (Thessaloniki, 827 – Rome, 14. ⅱ 869) – Slavic Enlightener. For the life and activity of K.-C.F. There are many sources of Lat., Slov. etc. Languages. The richest with data and the most reliable of them is the extensive life (ZK) with statements and from its original works, written by Brother Methodius and Kliment Ohridski (between 870 and 882). Short lives, which are at a later time, contain transparent tendentious interpolations. Seventh child of repeated parents from Thessaloniki. His father Leo was a senior Byzantine officer – Drangar, and his mother, according to one of the short lives, was called Mary. Unusually gifted with a bi-old mind, from children’s age showed a strong thirst for learning, especially for understanding the spiritual conversations of St. Gregory Theologian whom in the verses he compiled him prayers to be “teacher and assistant”. He gave him a rare opportunity to learn in Constantinople in the high magnane school in two most educated Byzantines: Photius and Leo wise along with then the juvenile visant. Emperor Michael ⅲ. After the ordination of Photius for Customs. Patriarch (856) K.-k.f. He was elected a lecturer in Philosophy of his department at the same school. He was distinguished by rare modesty. Resolutely canceled world titles and honors. He has repeatedly retreated into USMacy and silent, who embroidered him even more and completely deserved the epithet “Philosopher”. Vizant. Political and church officials were sent to external missions: Saracanska (855) to protect Christians from Islamist aggressors in Arabia; The Hazarka (861), along with the brother, are Metodia, to resist Judean theologians, and the last – Moravian (863 to the end of life) for the enlightenment of the Slavs. Each of the tasks approached great seriousness and responsibility. In the saracene, he went with knowledge of Koran, with the hallars – with a solid knowledge of the Jewish, even of Samutrite. A variant, and the Slavs created a letter with some signs, which visually taught the Gospel; He formed the book. Older. J. According to the principles of the Vizant. cramp. The relics of St. Clement Roman, which he discovered in Herson on the road for Hazaria, brought them with her brother. You are M. In Rome, where soon afterwards, after receiving a vow of Great SHIMA under the name Cyril, he died at 14 FEA. (st. style), buried with great honors and soon canonized. Of the numerous prose and poet-ski works are only fragments and paraphrases. He wrote to the Vizant. cramp. And Old Slavic who formed him in literary himself. Two prayers from his early age are known: address to St. Gregory Theologian and “Solomon” prayer before departing in Constantinople for learning. Prayers mentioned before the discovery of the layout. Letter and the relics of St. Clement Roman. He was addressed to his brother and the students to fight the trias. He wrote 4 polemic works: Against Patriarch Yannis and the three missions (from the Moravian for the Venetian Dispute). The translations of the Gospel, the psalter and the selected church services are common with his brother Metodia. Of KKKF. It is attributed to the proclamation to St. Gospel. Cyrillo-method. Bibliography contains over 10,000 titles. Lit.: S. B. Bernstain, Constantine-Philosopher and Metodi, Moscow 1984; P. Dinakov, Constantine-Kiril Philosopher, K.-m., 2, 388-423; Czhostrieveans Among Tez Slaves. Tez Heritage of Sainths Cossil and Methodius. Roma 1988, P. HR. Ilievski, the lamps indispensable, SK., 1999, 13-123; H. R. COOPER, JR., Slavitz Schriptubs, Madison – Grandk, 2003, 48-65. P. HR. Il. Dushan Hr. Konstantinov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet