Vasily ⅱ (957 – 15. ⅻ 1025) – Byzantine Emperor (976-1025), among the most important of the Macedonian dynasty. Established a firm power. For decades he fought against the kingdom of Samuel; With Samuel and heirs, he suffered defeated (Trajanova Gate, 986) and wins (Spichaj, 996; Belasica, 1014), eventually destroyed (1018), and the border of Byzantium has established the Danube and Sava River. When introducing the Byzantine government, some solutions from the Samuil’s tax system took place. The Ohrid Patriarchate illuminated the degree of autocephalous archbishopric and issued three gramothies for its rights and obligations. Lit.: C. Holmes, Basil ⅱ And TePhy Gebanen of Empire (976-1025), Odford, 2005; C. Stankovê, Constantinople Patriarchs and Kingskonska Dynasty, Belgrade, 2003. B. Petr. St. Vasily Great (Icon XI c.)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВАСИЛИЈ Ⅱ