Varoslija, Branko (v. Barilevo, Kosovo, 1. ⅰ 1934 – Skopje, 1. ⅰ 2004) – short story writer, novelist, journalist, dramatic author. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology in Skopje. Worked as a journalist in Radio Skopje, “Nova Makedonija” and as a playwright in the Macedonian National Theater. They place it in the projaists of the middle generation (its avant-garde wing), mainly add-on to Shezo Varosl be the set years of XX. About the magazine “Previews” (Dimitar Solev, Blagoja Ivanov, Zhivko Chingo, Branko Pandovski, Bogomil Gjuzel), whose efforts for inclusion in the modern flows of literary art are related to the introduction of accelerated compensation processes in the young Macedonian literature, which objectively launched in Many thing behind European standards. In this new wave of voice prose, Branko Varoslija occupies a prominent place with its short stories, which offered changes and movement of the previously narrower and stylish-expressive framework of domestic literature. Introducing, according to the assessment of more authoritative Macedonian critics, trembling a new sensibility, it is operating more educational with introspection, psychological analysis is preferred. As the youngest in the procession of pretentious yrschnics, Branko Varoslija, the bearer of the non-perfect gift for the prose fiction. It attracts the attention of readers with a very cultivated style of expression and an efficient and effective sense of a quick breakthrough in the internal life of the modern man. Such their literary commitments illustrate with the novels: “The last flight of the bird Selica” (1969), a formative example of the poetic novel in our country, and with the collection of short stories “lonely passers-by” (1975). D. T. Gorgi Varoslija.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВАРОШЛИЈА, Бранко