The Republic of Macedonia and the EU

The Republic of Macedonia and the EU. Strategic commitment of the Republic of Macedonia: A goal that enjoys a broad national consensus is EU membership. It is a complex and painstaking process. For one country to become a member of the EU, it is necessary to meet the criteria established by the European Council (the Copenhagen criteria of 1993, complemented by the Madrid criteria since 1995): Political (construction of stable institutions that will guarantee democracy, the rule of law and respect for human and minority rights); Economic (establishment of a functioning market economy and capacity for dealing with competitive pressures and market forces in EU rims); Legal (willingness to undertake membership obligations) and administrative (acceptance of European legislation and its effectively applying through administrative and judicial structures). Macedonia is the first country of the so-called. Western Balkans, which signed a Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU (April 2001). The SAA became effective after ratification by all EU Member States (April 2004). The effects of the SAA signing for the Republic of Macedonia were significant: the necessary administrative structure and institutional framework that should coordinate and encourage the process of EU integration into the EU; National Strategy for Integration of the Republic of Macedonia into the EU was adopted; It facilitates the access of Macedonian products on the EU market, the processes of translation of European legislation and harmonization of our legislation with the European; Provide access to financial resources from the CARDS program, etc. Although Macedonia has not implemented all obligations under the SAA, nor did it take advantage of the advantages arising from it, the signing of the SAA was a strong motivation for intensifying the necessary reforms in the key segments of the political and economic system and for the gradual training of the country for the fulfillment of the fulfillment of the country to meet Membership criteria. Among the achieved results arising from the established criteria for EU membership, they should specifically notice: the development of democracy and respect for human rights; Protection of minority rights (implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement); Strengthening the broad consensus of the citizens and all political parties for Euro-Atlantic integrations; Significant achievements in part of the segments necessary for the establishment of a functioning market economy (c. market economy), which testify the indicators of the progress of the transition in Macedonia (c. transition of the Macedonian economy), etc. The recognition for the progress achieved in the reforms arrived in December 2005., when RM stack-wealth of mountain-hilly and hydrographic landscapes – a view from Bistra to the Mavrovo Lake status of a candidate country for EU membership. However, Macedonia S “has not received a date for the start of EU membership negotiations, which in itself refers to the fact that in separate areas, the reforms are slow. Future reforms will particularly focus on: raising the competitive ability of Macedonian firms and sectors and the economy as a whole (c. Competitiveness); improving the investment climate in all its segments (c. investment climate); Raising the capacity of the activities of the institutions, especially the judicial system and regulatory institutions (c. institutions); and creating efficient and depoliticized public administration, capable of planning, to budget and implement projects (pre-accession European funds for Macedonia became effective in 2007) and work at all according to European standards and criteria (c. public administration). Successful implementation of mentioned reforms will enable Macedonia, in the medium term, create a functioning market economy and easier to deal with competitive forces and pressures within the EU. Not.: V. Kandikuan, economics of association of the Republic of Macedonia in the EU, the challenges of the Macedonian economy, MANU, Skopje, 2004; Source: EBRD Transmition Report 2006. Lit.: UNDP Blue Ribbon Report (J. beard and T. Fiti Ed.), Skopje. 2006; Open challenges of the Macedonian economy, MANU, Skopje, 2004. T. F. Established links and relations: The Government of the Republic of Macedonia sends a representative to Brussels on 5. ⅹ 1992, before the official establishment of diplomatic relations, which occurs after the signing of the temporary consent for normalization of relations between the Republic of Macedonia and RGR (29. 1995). The Cooperation Agreement (1 and 1998), the Traffic Agreement (28. 1997) and the Textile Product Traffic Agreement (1 1998). Of 11. ⅲ 1996 The Republic of Macedonia is a full-time PHARE Fund. On 1. ⅳ 2004 The Stabilization and Association Agreement shall enter into force. On 22. ⅲ 2004 The Prime Minister of RM Branko Crvenkovski submits to Bertie Ahern, Ireland Prime Minister, chairman of the EU Council, the request of the Republic of Macedonia for admission to EU membership, after the first-round ceremony (26. 2004) was delayed due to the death of the President of the Republic of Macedonia Boris Trajkovski . At 9. ⅺ 2005 The European Commission document (9th 2005) is announced, prepared at the request of the EU Council (17. ⅴ 2004), after the Republic of Macedonia submits a request for admission to EU membership (22. ⅲ 2004). 9. ⅺ 2005, the European Commission’s analytical report on the request of the Republic of Macedonia for admission to the EU, which analyzes the request of the Republic of Macedonia through the prehistoria of the RM – EU, the ability of the Republic of Macedonia for fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria (1993), The extent of their actual exercise, the degree of fulfillment of the conditions of the Stabilization and Association Process (1997), the degree of fulfillment of the conditions defined specifically for the Republic of Macedonia, in particular the exercise of the Framework Agreement (2001) and the level of fulfillment of the priorities of the European Partnership (2004 ), along with the opinion of the European Commission. The European Council (15-17. Lit.: Tatiana Petrushevska, Respublika Knube K Europe, Section Science Status – Profuirov and voting · Christian Fakli M. “Lomonosova” and Juridicko Faklema “Ástiniana and” the universities. “St. Cyrilla and Mefodia”: Actual vaopros trials and rights in Russian federations and in respubeball Macedonians, c. And, Statute, Moscow, 2006; Tatiana Petrushevska, candidacy, and after her, “political thought”, no. 13, Skopje, 2006. T. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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