Investment climate – a set of specific factors that influence the incentives of economic agents for investment, establishing new firms and spreading and developing businesses. Key elements of the business climate are: the stability of policies, protection of property rights, government regulation, administrative-bureaucratic obstacles and corruption, taxation, business access to the funds for financing the growth, quality and capacity of the institutions, etc., seen in their interdependence, not as separate and isolated factors. All mentioned factors influence the size of costs and investment risks. The Republic of Macedonia enters the re-dot of countries in transition with an unfavorable investment climate. In the reports of competent international institutions in the assessment of individual segments of the investment climate and business environment, the Republic of Macedonia receives unfavorable assessments of the quality and efficiency of the institutions (especially the judicial system and the protection of property rights), for the prevalence of corruption, for infrastructure reforms For public administration and business access to funding. Creating a favorable investment climate is one of the key structural reforms in the Republic of Macedonia. In addition to the stable macroeconomic framework (low inflation, low budget deficits and a stable exchange rate), in the meantime, the Republic of Macedonia introduced the one-stop system and shortened the procedures for business formation, and with the introduction of the flat tax reduced the tax burden on businesses. Globally speaking, the World Economic Forum, according to the nature of the investment climate and the national business environment, among 102 countries, RM ranks it in 83th place. Display. T. FITT, improving the investment climate in the Republic of Macedonia in the function of accelerated growth, “Yearbook at the Faculty of Economics from Skopje”, Skopje, 2006. T. F.
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