Market economy – economic system in which the resolution of the central economic problem (which is produced, how to produce and for whom to produce), i.e. The displacement of existing resources in the economy is carried out through the market mechanism. The process of establishing the market economy in the Republic of Macedonia more intensively started with the opening of the transition in the early nineties of the last century. The main goal and task of each transition country, and in that context, the RM is the establishment of a functioning market economy. This, according to the criteria of the European Commission, assumes: establishing a balance between demand and offering through the free game of market laws, liberalization of prices and foreign trade, eliminating barriers to entry and exiting companies on the market, efficient protection of property rights and efficiently Execution of contracts, achieving macroeconomic stability and developed financial system. Macedonia has achieved significant results in the transitional period in most of the stated areas, which is confirmed by the indicators of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for monitoring the progress of the transition (c. Transition of the Macedonian economy). The most significant problems on the path of the establishment of the functioning market economy are located in the domain of quality and credibility of the institutions, especially the judicial system, and incomplete results are achieved in the development of the financial system (asymmetry between the reforms and the development of the banking system and non-bank financial institutions) And in the establishment of full macroeconomic stability (c. macroeconomic stability). Not.: V. Kandikjan, economics of association of the Republic of Macedonia in the EU, the challenges of the Macedonian economy, MANU, Skopje, 2004, 259-284. Lit.: MANU, the challenges of the Macedonian economy, Skopje, 2004; EBRD, TRANSITION REPORT 2005. T. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet