“St. Panteleimon” (Plaoshnik) in Ohrid – a monastery church that built Clement of 893, in the form of a triconhos on the remains of an older triconhal church, which is built on the remains of an ancient Christian basilica. According to the writing of the Ohrid Archbishop Theophylact, the church promised its harmonious circular forms with a roller plan and was more beautiful than the cathedral temple. At the time of Kliment, the Church to the West was built with a cross-sectional space with four pillars and probably had a dome over the central space in which Clement, according to its biographer, prepared the grave, on the right side of the prognosis. With the latest archaeological research (carried out in 2000), all stages of the construction of St. Clement’s temple from ⅸ to ⅹⅳ c. It was established that the cross-part part of the church was restored towards the end of ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ or at the beginning of ⅹⅳ c. And through Tribel is connected to Narthex. North and south of the tronkos were constructed chapels, and around the church, the developer church was demolished on its walls, the mosque “Sultan Mehmed” was built, known as the Imaret Mosque. The renewal of the St. Clement Church was carried out on the remains of the original walls following all the building stages of ⅸ to ⅹⅳ c., Relying on the comparational analyzes of the churches that existed on the territory of the Ohrid Archbishopric. The fresco painted, preserved on the walls, confirms the existence of one of the largest ensembles of superb artistic quality in the Ohrid art of the Middle Ages. The discovered parts of the figures in the prosthesis, although partially preserved, show the oldest for us an affordable layer of people time, certainly painted probably in ⅺ-ⅹⅰⅰ c. The other layer around the altar barrier reveals several compositions: St. The vision of St. Petar Alexandria, preserved almost entirely, with the representations of the Alexandrian saint and the sinful Arius. At the head of the carrier pillars are the remains of the standing figures of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, the Mother of God, with his son, with a scroll in his hands with the famous dialogue in which the mother begs for mercy to those who were wrong in Christ’s learning. In the lower part of the north wall of the nave, in a thematic and design ratio with these characters was painted St. John earlier (the Baptist), and to him one bishop, probably St. Clement. Judging by the big fragments discovered in the nave, the cycles of the great holidays and Christ’s suffering have been developed, as well as more figures of saints from the lower zone. Almost fully reconstructed historical portraits of the Caucer Duka, painted in order to grow to the young deceased son Demetrius, placed above his grave in the first half of ⅹⅳ c. And the fragments in the department, south of the church, whose purpose is associated with the dining room of the monastery. Particular importance for the temple has the discovery of the portrait of St. Clement, who blesses between the Caesar Duka and the son of Dimetrius. It is a sure confirmation that the Church’s Cetitor is St. Clement and that the people felt her as a sanctuary that he was dedicated to him. The holidays of St. Panteleimon and St. Clement marked on the same day. However, in all historical sources, which is preserved from ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ and ⅹⅳ c., The Church is mentioned as St. Clement Temple. How big was the reputation of the monastery shows Val porch with a bell tower on the west side. Before the end of ⅹⅴ c. The monastery church “St. Panteleimon “(Plaoshnik), the village of the church” St. Panteleimon, with the original fresco of the tribelon (ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ-ⅹⅳ c.), Ohrid The fact that occasionally his abbots were elected to Ohrid Archbishops. The abbots of the monastery also participated in the upgrades and painting of other temples in Ohrid. The remains of the frescoes that occurred immediately after 1300 years. And after this time are of the highest artistic quality; They are works of elite painographers that have been engaged for other church buildings in Ohrid. The discovery of several graves in the temple itself, with numerous articles, say that there were many prominent figures from the church and social life of the city and the Ohrid Archbishopric. No coincidence in Ohrid was directed precisely to this monastery, a lighthouse of Christianity, the literacy, education and resistance of the foreign government. Lit.: D. Coco, Clement’s monastery St. Panteleimon and Scaffen at Imature in Ohrid, “Proceedings of the Faculty of Philosophy”, 1, Skopje, 1948, 129-181; Ibid., Trerkon Churches in Klimentovo Time, Slavic Literacy. 1050th anniversary of Kliment Ohridski, Ohrid, 1966, 91-98; Ibid., New data on the history of Clement’s monastery, St. Panteleimon in Ohrid, “Annual Proceedings of the Faculty of Philosophy”, 19, Skopje, 1967, 245-255; Cv. Grozdanov, new knowledge of the pictureship of Clement’s Church St. Panteleimon in Ohrid, lectures on ⅸ Seminar on Macedonian language, literature and culture, Skopje-Ohrid, 9. – 25. ⅷ 1976, 188-194; The same, Plaosnik: Rainnored Monastery Church of Sts. Clement and Panteleimon, Ohrid, 2003, 5-33. Cv. Gr. – Cr. T.
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