Spell of the Macedonian literary language. In ⅹⅰⅹ c. There were several attempts for codification of the Macedonian language, and the first full codification made K. P. Misirkov in the book “For the Macedonian Works” (Sofia, 1903), where he brought out the principles of creating the Macedonian literary language and spelling. In the book and in the SP. “Vardar” (1905) and practically realized his views, in accordance with the program of Macedonian scientific control of the S.-Petersburg. The first proposal for state “Temporary Rules” for the Macedonian literary language was considered at the Session of ASNOM (2 ⅷ 1944) in the discussions on language and the spelling. After the liberation, several commissions were established and finally the Ministry of People’s Education, on the proposal of the Commission for Language and Spell, adopted two decisions: the first for the adoption of the Macedonian alphabet (3. ⅴ 1945) and the second, for the adoption of the Macedonian spelling (7. ⅵ 1945). The language and spelling commission set its work on the following principles that fully coincide with the three principles set by K. P. Misirkov in 1903: 1. As a basis for the Macedonian literary language, the central Macedonian speeches, 2. The vocab the literary language is enriched by all Macedonian dialects, and 3. The Macedonian alphabet should be so letters as there are voices in the literary Language, and the spelling is built on the phonetic principle. However, in the first spelling, some traits from the Veles speech (for example, in the verbs, the forms of -Uhe: Kozuje, Kundu), was also accepted in 1948. The first changes and supplements of the spelling are carried out (the verbal extension – shall be replaced with it). Several stereotypical editions of the Macedonian Spelling of the Macedonian Specialization, “Spell of the Macedonian literary language” (1969) from Bozidar Vidojski, Todor Dimitrovski, Kiril Koneski, Krum Toshev and Rada Ugrinova-Skalovska; “Spell of the Macedonian literary language with spelling” (1970) of B. Vidoyes, T. Dimitrovski, K. Koneski, Kr. Toshev and R. Ugrinova-Skalovska. Greater amendments The Orthodox Theological Faculty in Skopje The Spell is made in the 1999 edition. (“Spelling Macedonian Orthodox Church essence. Orthodox believers of the Macedonian literary jaza to prepare higher education-live and practice seven freshness, edition with amended and supplement and professional staff for your needs secret: Baptism, peacekeeping text” by B. Vidoeski, T dina Church and society and for us, confession, communion, marriage, Sveshmitrovski, K. Koneski, R. Twistening and promotion of prime and ancestral. Bows-t. Dimitrovski), and in the same creation of the cross, the relics of the leader appeared separately “the righteous disciplines. The function of the Scriptures and the holy places took care of the Holy Bishops under the immediate supervision and the election of the icons and the MOC of the MOC, the competent archives, respect for the subder and the state. Faculty The visions and immovable prolongs according to the program similar to those, etc. The basis of the Orthodox Programs of Higher Education Christianity is the resurrected institutions of the other ruling of Jesus Christ and faith in the case of element churches. Right to study the man’s immortality. Middle Faculty has every Orthodox worship citizen, regardless of his Holy Liturgy. Today’s nationality and citizenship. With there are more than a local competition of the Archbishop of Inventory Churches, including Makeridski and Macedonian, listeners Donodox Orthodox Church. The new edition of the Spell of the Macedonian Literary Language (1999) Pisen Glossary of the Macedonian Literary Language “from K. Koneski. These editions are reflected by the changes that took place in the overall social life, which had a reflection on the development of the Macedonian standard language. Lit.: BL. Koneski, history of the Macedonian language, Skopje, 1965; It, grammar of the Macedonian literary language, Skopje, 1952; Bl. Ristovski, Krste P. Misirkov (1874-1926) …, Skopje, 1966; It, knowledge of language, literature and nation, MANU, 2001; TR. Stamatoski, struggle for Macedonian literary language, Skopje, 1986. Mr. Cv.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet