Koneski, Cyril (Prilep, 19, 1929) – linguist, university professor. After graduation, at the Mae “Krste Misirkov” of the project spelling of the Macedonian literary language with spelling vocabulary (1 ⅶ 1957 – 31. ⅰ 1969). He is then a professor of contemporary Macedonian language at the Pedagogical Academy “Kliment Ohridski” in Skopje, and later at the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski”. His scientific interest is the contemporary Macedonian language, an area that has published more monographs. The editor is of the interpretary vocabulary in Macedonian language (three volumes have been published. BIB.: Verbic structures with will in the Macedonian language, 1996; For the Macedonian verb, 1999; Special vocabulary of the Macedonian literary language, 1999; Welling in contemporary Macedonian language, 2003. T. S. Konce Mountain (Serta) with the Demykarpian Gorge
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОНЕСКИ, Кирил