Popovski, John

Popovski, John (v. Vevcani, Struga, 26. ⅸ 1916) – a journalist, short story writer, novelist. He worked as a journalist-editor of Belgrade’s “Policy” for Macedonia. He is a member of the Macedonian DPM since 1972. Part: Romani: One youth (Romanized biography, 1969), in a patholic way (1970), the diary of Straso Pindzur (1972), Vradan (1986), Zlamen (1989), a man of the first act of history (Romanized Biography, 1993) , Camp romance (1994), Harena – The Dalgi of Life (Autobiography, 1996), Sami (1996), the years of the whip (2003); collections of short stories: August (1979) and stubs (1989); Suicide of the President of the Republic of Macedonia, Entries (2000), talks with Kolisevski (2006); The Drim (2006) town (2006); Unreportable (2007); My journalism (2007); Clement – Bishop Greater (2008) Lit.: Miodrag Foreignure, history of Macedonian literature ⅹⅹ century (1990). C. M.- Kiril Popovski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПОВСКИ, Јован

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