Small hydro power plants in the Republic of Macedonia

Small hydro power plants in the Republic of Macedonia – in the period 1992-2003 The average annual production of small HC in the Republic of Macedonia was 110.6 GNG, and the greatest was in 1996. It was 158.5 gn. Only HC with installed capacity of 1 to 12 mies are listed here. HC “Doshnica” is on the eponymous river, not far from Demir Kapija. In a drive of 1953 There are two aggregate with pelton turbine. Installed power 4.62 MM. HC “Zrnovci” is on the river Zrnovka, near the village. Zrnovci, not far from Kocani. In a 1950 drive There are two aggregate with pelton turbine. INSTALLED POWER 1.26 MONTH. HC “Kalimanci” is the accumulation of the river Bregalnica, near the village of Kalimanci (Bochz “Kalimanci” of R. Bregalnica between Kocani and Delcevo). In a 1970 drive There are two aggregate with Francis turbines. Installed power 12 mies. HC “Matka” of r. Fever HC “Matka” is in the lower course of the Treska River, not far from the village of Matka, Skopje. In a 1938 drive. There are three aggregates with Francis turbines. Installed power 4.2 mies. HC “foam” of r. Foam HC “foam” is on the Pena River, near Tetovo. In a 1927 drive. There are two aggregate with Francis turbines. Installed power 2.56 m. HC “Pesocani” is on Pessochane River, in addition to the village of Pesocani (between Kicevo and Ohrid). In a drive of 1951 There are two aggregate with pelton turbine. INSTALLED POWER 2.74 MONTH. HC “Popova Shapka” is on Shar Planina. In a plant since 1993 There are 4 aggregates with pelton turbines. INSTALLED POWER 4.78 MONTH. HC “Sapuncica” is on the Sapunchica River, not far from Bitola. In a drive of 1952 There are two aggregate with pelton turbine. Installed power 2.88 MM. HC “Strezevo” is part of the same hydro-system (northwest of Bitola). In a plant since 1993 INSTALLED POWER 2.4 MONEY. HC “Turia” is near Strumica. In a 1985 drive There are two aggregate with Francis turbines. INSTALLED POWER 2 MIN. Lit.: 50 years Macedonian Electric Power Company, Skopje, 1995; JP. “Electric Power of Macedonia”, Skopje, 1999; HTTP: //SMACK.COM.MK. Dr. R. Dimitar Maldanov.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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