Sanev, Vojislav

Sanev, Vojislav (Kocani, 26. 1938 – Skopje 8. ⅳ 2007) – archaeologist. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in a white city (1963). From 1963 to 1969 Worked as a curator at the National Museum in Stip, and then at the Museum of the City of Skopje (1969-1970). Again returns to Stip (1970- 1976), and since 1976. Works at the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, where it remains up to 2000. He was director of the National Museum in Stip, V.D. Director of the Museum of Macedonia and Head of the Archaeological Department, President and Secretary of Manda, editor and technical editor of the “MACEDONIA ARCTA ARCHAHAHICA”, on an archaeological map of the Republic of Macedonia, a ruler of the National Museum of Stip, Proceeding of the Archaeological Museum, etc. He spent and studied the Neolithic in Macedonia (Vršnik, Anzabegovo, Rug Bair, Velus Tumba, Tumba Madzari, the side, Canal Chair, Amam, Tumba Mershevci, etc.). BIB.: Prehistoric cultures in Macedonia, Stip, 1971; Prehistory in Central Pelagonia, Bitola, 1976; Anthropomomoropchitz Tult Plastic Off Answegovo-Pernik Tsulural Group of the Republic of the Republic of Macedonia, Homagge to Milutin Garasanan, Belgrade, 2006, 171-191. D. Z. Santefish agreement

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис САНЕВ, Воислав

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