Prlicev, Grigor Stavrev

Prlicev, Grigor Stavrev (Ohrid, 18. and 1830 – Ohrid, 6. 1893) – The greatest name of the Macedonian Grigor Prlicev literature in ⅹⅰⅹ c. This superior leasure according to language belonging is actually a three-time author: Greek, Bulgarian and Macedonian, and unites the specific characteristic dominant dominants in which he lives and works; Classicism and romanticism, as stylish marks. It is a writer to whom Macedonia is both love and sow and pain and despair and necessity and sorrow and cradle and grave. It is a writer with a high self-awareness for his creative possibilities and for the position he serves. He was born as the fourth child of Maria Gjokova and Stavre Prlichev, Ohrid craftsman. Student of Dimitrija Miladinov, who at that time teaches in Ohrid. For some time, it is employed as a heating agent, and later becomes a teacher in Tirana (Albania). In 1849 Enroll as a student in the Athens University medicine. During 1850/59 Again returns to Macedonia and teaching more places (Lower Belitsa, Struga, Bitola, Prilep and Ohrid) to provide conditions for continuing studies. In 1859 Again comes in Athens, as a student of the second year after medicine. During this period, it writes the poem “ο αρμααας” (Serdar), which should have surrendered no later than 13. ⅱ 1860 at a poetic competition. In 1860 he receives the award of the great Athens competition for the best poem in Greek language – a money part and a worm wreath. The same year the work comes out of the stamp. Returned in Ohrid immediately begins the work on the new poetic project – the poem “Skenderbeg”, far more accurate creative grip. Works as a teacher in Ohrid. It occupies to teach Slavic script and Chat in the store of Angel Group, then a kind of reading room in Ohrid. With Jacim Sapunjiev, they begin the “folk struggle” in Ohrid, i.e. The struggle for the introduction of the people language in schools. With this, Prlichev officializes his fight against Greekism in Macedonia, especially against the Fanariot Bishop, Melatius, the culprit for Dimitrija Miladinov’s death. For some time he resides in Constantinople. There are permanent contacts with Bulgarian cultural actors, and after returning to Ohrid, it is even more intensively engaged in popularizing the Slavic II in Macedonia. In 1868 The Turkish government closes it and deported it to the Debar Dungeon, due to defamation by the Greek Ohrid Bishop. After the prison period he visits the monastery “St. Jovan Bigorski “and is astonished in it serving Old Slavic language. In the next 1869 In Ohrid, the people language in schools are massively in Ohrid. The same year is women and has five children. After an invitation from the editorial office of Constantinople “Reading”, he engages with the translation of Homer’s “Iliad”. It begins to cooperate in Bulgarian Constantinople newspapers and magazines. In Belgrade, then in “Reading” in 1872. Having Grigor Prlichev: “The Serdar” and the “grammar manuscript” publishes the song “in a thousand seven hundred and second four summer”, later re-opened in his “autobiography”. In the Constantinople c. “Right” in 1872 The news was published that Prlichev prepared the print book songs for children under the title “Education or 12 Nhocrani songs”. With saving money from His teacher in Struga, he leaves in Bulgaria (Sofia), where many “Rodudents” involved him to engage in whatever literary work and promised all kinds of incentives and pray. In 1883-1890 Teaches in the Bulgarian male gymnasium in Thessaloniki. During this period, he writes his “autobiography”, published after his death in the “University of People’s Employed, Science and Breaker”. Prlicev lives and works in several Balkan cultural centers (Ohrid, Struga, Bitola, Prilep, Thessaloniki, Athens, Tirana, Constantinople, Sofia). Correctly rules more Balkan and European languages. It is carried away by Slovopher and makes an attempt to create grammar of Slavic Esperanto. Similar examples can also be found in other Slavic literatures. The poetry creation “Serdar” (1860) is considered an absolute peak of all the bet that I gave this creator in the art of the word. For literary science this poem should be considered in the context of European theory of romanticism. For her, the author in Athens receives from the critique “Second Homer”. Other more noticeable creations are “autobiography” (1884) and the word-essay “Keep yourself” (1866). These are complementary literary works and they reverate the basic message of the “Serdar”. BIB.: “Α ραααα” “”, Athens, 1860; Skenderbey, published smart; Folding creation autobiography, Sofia, 1894, written in Bulgarian; Children’s poem education or twelve Nhocran songs, written on his sleeping semanto and published mortal; Essays, records, Slovak, published mainly in Macedonian language, between 1862 and 1892; Investments to Homegi works “Iliad” and “Odyssey” and works of Torcal Tasso and Ariosto – saved in manuscript; Correspondence, published posterly. Lit.: Grigor Prlichev, autobiography, Kiril Klamilov, SK., 1952; Grigor Prlicev, autobiography; Serdar. Translation and translation Todor Dimitrovski and Georgi Stalev. Preface Dimitar Mitrev, SK., 1953; Grigor Prlicev, selected pages. Reduction Todor Dimitrovski, SK., 1959; Grigor Prlicev, Skenderbeg. Translation Miter Damjanovski. Transparency Georgi Stalev, SK., 1961; Grigor Prlicev, Serdar, SK., 1970; Georgi Stalev, Prlichev in his time and outside of him. Grigor Prlicev, Serdar. Skenderbeg, SK., 1971; Attachments to MANU, Olln, ⅳ, 1, SK., 1973 (number dedicated to Mr. Prlicev on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of death; Todor Dimitrovski, Prlicev and his work. Grigor Prlicev, selected texts. He arrived Todor Dimitrovski, SK., 1974; Todor Dimitrovski, Prlicev and his work. Grigor Prlicev, autobiography. He arrived Todor Dimitrovski, SK., 1974; Grigor Prlicev, Skenderbe. From the Greek Original transped Mi-Hail D. Petrushevski, SK., 1974; Conved by Prlichev, SK., 1980; Gane Todorovski, the great feat of Grigor Prlicev “Literary word”, Juji, 6, SK., 1980; Todor Dimitrovski, Prlicev and his work. Grigor Prlicev, Serdar. Transparency Georgi Stalev, SK., 1983; Grigor Prlicev, selected works. He arrived Tome Sazdov, SK., 1985; Grigor Prlicev, Martolosot. Transparency Mikhail D. Petrusevski. SK., 1983; The life and work of Grigor S. Prlicev. Symposium, 10-11. Ⅴ 1985, SK., 1986; Dear Stefania, Prlic’s Punzlavism, Ohrid, 1988; Stojan Risteski, Grigor Prlicev: New pages, Ohrid, 1990; Grigor Prlicev, a choice. He arrived Tome Sazdov. Transparency Georgi Stalev, SK., 1991; Grigor Prlicev, Serdar. To the centenary of Prlichev’s death (1893-1993). Transparency Gane Todorovski, SK., 1993; Grigor Prlicev, Serdar. Transparency Gane Todorovski, SK., 1993; Grigor Prlicev, Ohrid Jugan. Translation Jani Filovski. “Dalgi”, 1, Ohrid, 1991; Short Slavic grammar. They arrived: Naum Celakoski and Dimitar Smileski, Bitola, 1992; Gane Todorovski, a word up to two of the child’s poems of Grigor Prlicev. Grigor Prlicev, Education or twelve songs for children. Mistincon Gane Todorovski, SK., 1993; Naum Celakovski, the unknown Prlichev. Grigor Prlicev, the leader sends me the homeland. Choice, complaint and comments Naum Celakovski, SK., 1993; Dusko Nanevski, the talent of Prlichev, Ohrid, 1994; Short Slavic grammar. They arrived: Dimitar Pandev and Dear Stefania, Ohrid, 1994; Tome Sazdov, the unknown Prlichev, SK., 1995; Grigor Prlicev, Serdar. Occurrentil Todor Dimitrovski, SK., 1995; Grigor Prlicev, Skenderbey.Bibrophical edition, SK., 1997; Raÿmon Dentre, Misshart, Sofia, 2001; Grigor Prlicev, autobiography, SK., 2001 Anastasia Gjurcinova, Prlicev and Ariosto, SK., 2002; Sergei Glavenz, a talk about Prlichev, Ohrid, 2003; Georgi Stalev, the creative character of Grigor Prlicev, SK., 2005. Mr. T. Petre Prlicho.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПРЛИЧЕВ, Григор Ставрев

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