Ohrid’s literary center

Ohrid’s literary center – a hotspot of a layer. edge. When the Enlightenment of the Slavic Apostles in Moravia after the death of Sts. Methodius (885) was forbidden, it turned out that the best conditions for the development of Slavic literacy are in the Balkans, where she was droped. Of great importance for its rescue and extension, two of the most capable Cyrillo-Methodiian students, who, in the Ohrid end, set the foundations of the Ohrid literary center, also known as an overlay literary hotspot. After a long and heavy torture, three of the students of the brothers, Clement, Naum and Angelary, procured by Morvia, managed to reach Belgrade, where Bulgarian boritilan impossible gospel, handwriting in Greek with top aesthetic qualities, Ohrid (ⅺ – Ⅹⅰⅰ c.) Till in the prince Boris in a palace. Angelary, exhausted by suffering sufferings and the long road, soon died, and the first two, known as the best and the best to the trainers were not long reserved in the capital. Clement after several months was found as a de-Wall teacher, southwest of Ohrid Lake, and after 7 years after this was ordained for the first Slavic bishop, in his place for a teacher he arrived Naum. The fact that these two layers. Enlighteners Shortly upon arrival in a palace were released to departed the state of the state, shows that there was a serious dispute between the prince, and that is the so-called. “Alphabetical question”. Boris and Bill Knez of an independent state, under whose power was the most numerous layout. Population and decided to accept the layout. language for official. With the protoborn champions, they disagreed with that change, acted fiercely. But there was another obstacle. After the church council in Constantinople (870), the Church in Bulgaria was managed by the Byzantine clergy. It allowed the literary heritage of Slavic from the SVV. Cyril and Methodius, but it could not be reconciled with new, according to them “barbarian” letter, the Glagolitic, and required the books to be transcribed with a Greek letter. The courtyard in Bulgaria departed before such pressure. In particular, Borisa’s son, Simeon, who inherited the principality, and was Byzantine Education, was more attached to the Greek letter than to the Slavic Glagola. Probably Clement was suggested to accommodate a layle. Alphabet based on the Greek letter, but he could not accept such a thing and therefore was removed. Later the same happened with St. Naum, who has been running a literary school in eastern Bulgaria. Simeon found another person, Konstantin Prevelavski, for adapting the Greek propellant letter of 24 letters and 12, 1.4 letters of the Glagolitic for specific Slavic voices, which is the basis of the Cyrillic, which after 893 It began to be used in East Bulgaria. In the Ohrid literary center, the use of the Glagolito two centuries continued after the death of the SVV. Naum and Clement. In ⅸ c. Dialectial features of St. Voz. were minimal. However, some differences were in the language between the Ohrid and the Pressorian literary center. In the beginning, according to French Slavist A. Viana, they were minimal, but with the time they became S “more sophisticated. The language of the Ohrid Literary Center is distinguished by great attachment to the Cyrilometodievs tradition, and the pre-innovation center – with more innovations (eliminating archaisms and moravisms). “Litt. Word “, 1, 1956, 1 & 19; I. Dobrev, Cyrillo-Methodiibilities Public Years Following At Bislgaria (886-893), “Improving Kirilmetodiastosastics”, Sofia, 1985, 129-160; P. HR. Ilievski, two Slovak of Kliment Ohridski and one of the Ioan Exarch in a handwritten ruler of ⅹⅴ c., “M.J.”, 7 (1956), p. 73 & 99; – SVV. Clement and Naum Ohridski. Enlightenment with doubled forces, “Saints Clement and Naum Ohridski, Manu, 1995, 17 & 29; – The emergence and development of the letter with a particular focus on the beginnings of the Slov. Literacy, ⅱ Red. 2006, 243-284. P. HR. Il.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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