Nikolovski, Vanco Nikolov (Negotino, 15. ⅺ 1922 – 17. ⅲ 2005) – Power and politician, an economist. He finished elementary school in his hometown, gymnasium in Upper Milanovac and Veles, and then studied at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade. As a participant in NOVM (from 1 ⅴ 1941) and a member of the CPY (from February 1943), he was arrested and sent to internation in Bulgaria (May 1943 – January 1944). He again joined NOVM (from 29. 1944) as a fighter, secretary of the MK of the CPY in Negotino and political commissioner of the Tikvesh Military Area. After the liberation, a higher political school in Belgrade and the Faculty of Economics in Skopje ended. Bill Secretary of the Municipal Committee and Secretary of the CPM District Committee worked in the CPM of the CPM, was the director of the party school in Skopje, President of the Municipal Assembly, vice president of the Department Assembly, MP in the Republic Council of the National Assembly of NRM, a member of the Republic Council and vice president of RP of SSM, editor-in-chief of c. “Labor, a member of the Main Board of the SSRM, Secretary of Industry and Trade of the Executive Council of the Assembly of the SRM, chairman of the Board for Society and Finance of the Republic Council of the Assembly of the Assembly of the Assembly of the Assembly of the Assembly of the Assembly. Director of the Federal Directorate for Material Reserves, MP in the Assembly of the SFRY and vice president of the Federal Council. After retirement (1987), there was a living activity with reacting on current events in Macedonian newspapers and magazines. He is the author of several books. BIB.: Establishment and activity of the local CPM Certification in Negotino from April 1943 to September 1944, Tikvesh in New 1941-1945. KPKPM in Tikvesh 1939-1945, kn. Second, Kavadarci-Negotino, 1984, 171-184; The creation and activity of the Military Organizations in the Tikvesh in the summer and autumn of 1944, the Tikvesh in New 1941-1945. Partisan and military units, REC. Third, Kavadarci-Negotino, 1984, 373-385; Noob without dogmas 1941-1942. Critical review of the current historiography, Skopje, 1997. S. Ml. Vlastimir Nikolovski Nikolovski, Vlastimir
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НИКОЛОВСКИ, Ванчо Николов