Nikolovski, Ilija Dim. (С. Pancharevo, Berovo, 6. 1948) – Major General of the ARM. He finished primary and secondary school in Berovo, and the Military Academy of JNA in Belgrade and Sarajevo. Commander duty started him as a subdue – a water commander, and later he was commander of Chief and Commander of Battalion. The JNA completed the Command Instad Academy and the School of People’s Defense. He was a military official at the Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia. Bulgaria and military official of the ARM in Brussels. He was commander of a brigade and commander of the corpus, and then retired (12. ⅹⅰⅰ 2003). C. ST. Mihajlo Nikolovski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НИКОЛОВСКИ, Илија Дим