Nedelkovski, Kole Sunday (village of Welany, Veles, 16. 1912 – Sofia, Bulgaria, 2. ⅸ 1941) – poet, revolutionary and national Dean. After the elementary school in the native village, he enrolled in the Veles high school, but it is abandoned and works as a Moller in Skopje (1922-1933). Participates in the progressive workers’ movement, in 1931. It is included in the informal literary group, and then in the Macedonian Youth Revolutionary Organization (Morborea), which forms cores and other places in Macedonia, where Macedonian history and language are studied. It brings together with K. Racin and the young poet V. Markovski. He starts writing verses himself. In September 1933 Through Greece it leaves in Sofia, where it also works as a mober. At that time, several Macedonian periodic publications with a national orientation are published. Since 1937 To-Yija in Sofia and Uncle, the literary-revolutionary M. Solinlija, like the writer of Veles V. Timcheva, and soon reaches and V. Markovski. In 1938 in the SP. “Ilóshirs® Ilindenï” publishes his first song (in Macedonian) “Stojan Duke”, and in the next year and other cheating in the same magazine and the Proceedings “Ilindenï 1939”. In the spring of 1939 Nedelkovski and Markovski are admitted to the Macedonian literary circle, as the only members writing in the mother tongue. After leaving V. Markovski “People’s Begory” and “Fire” (1938), N. It proposes for consideration in the MLK its first poetry “M” Skavics “and it is printed in December 1939. At that time in the Sofia People’s Library reveals the articles of K. Misirkov in c. “Peace” and his book “About MACEDONIKI WORK”; He prescribes the machine and MLK proposes to renew (in the Vardar part of Macedonia). Together with Markovski, Vaptsarov and Abadziev visits Misirkov’s wife, take them for consideration of manuscripts from his remaining and 18. ⅴ 1940. K. N. He writes to the son of Misirkov Dr. Sergey Misirkov for the “creativity of the great son of Macedonia”, for “immortal Macedonian K. Misirkov “and asks him:” Well, the Proksides, wherever we are out of the expensive our homeland, we feel strangers and therefore we did not stay deaf and the idea of your unforgettable father, but hug this work to build With the price of the dear. And so, far away from the homeland, we united in a Macedonian literary comrades, whose name I dared to ask you to get out of the eve to “get to know more detail with the life and activity of your late father (biography) so that we can great Fighter for a further presentation of Macedonian social. ” Then they send them (with autographers) the last exited Macedonian poichoshibitions: “Lunja” by V. Markovski, “M” Skavics “by K. Nedelkovski, “Motor Songs” by N. Vaptsarov, etc. MLK prepares a Macedonian anthology, in which the author of the preface A. Popov writes: “After V. Markovski and K. Racin came K. Nedelkovski with his book “M” The first poetry of Kole Nedelkovski “Makajavki” dedicated to Filika and Venko Markovski (25. ⅹⅰⅰ 1939) Vicuki, “written also in his mother tongue. … However, the basic motive in the poetry is his fatherland. All sorrows and sufferings of the poet himself come from there that the earth is enslaved, that its people suffers in slavery, that part of that people rent after a foreigner in misery, illuminated by the pain for native strains. ” In the waist of August 1941, after considering the MLK, his second poetry “on foot in the world” turns out. As a member of a Macedonian diversion group, N. It should have mined the editorial office and printing house of the pro-fascist newspaper Dawn and the German military radio station in Sofia, but the Bulgarian police in the morning early on 2. ⅸ 1941. It comes to arrest it, because he throws the hell machine and is thrown from the sixth floor of the building. Part: Micavies. Songs. Study: MaÿKa Mic, Sophie® 1940; Peshí after the world. Vehicivated. Partí Píhars. Study: The Young Makedonski Boric, Sophie®, 1941; Collected work. Jubilee edition on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the death of the poet-fighter. Preface, comment, selection and editorial station Todor Dimitrovski, Skopje, 1981. Lit.: Mitkhit Zafirovski, preface to Rh .: Kole Nedelkovski, Songs, Skopje, 1945, C – ⅺ; Dimitar Mitrev, Kole Nedelkovski, “New Day”, ⅱ, 7-8, Skopje, 1946, 51-57; The same, the lyke of Kole Nedelkovski, preface towards Rh.: Kole Nedelkovski, verses. Edited Todor Dimitrovski, Skopje, 1958; The same, the poet and the fighter Kole Nedelkovski, in CN.; One hundred years Veles gymnasium, Titov Veles, 1961, 229-237; Dr. Sergei Misirkov, small memories for Kole Nedelkovski and Nikola Vaptsarov, “Reporter”, and, 10, Skopje, 9. ⅺ 1955, 4; Todor Dimitrovski, to study the work of Kole Nedelkovski, “Previews”, ⅲ, 7 (59), Skopje, 1956, 7; It, notes on the language and spelling of Kole Nedelkovski, “Literary word”, ⅲ, 2, 1956, 116-119; The same, when the poetry, “Startovik” from Kole Nedelkovski, “literary word”, Juji, 5, 1981, 65-66; Voloca Naumcheski, the last day of the life of Kole Nedelkovski, “Nova Makedonija”, ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ, 4050, entertainment contribution, 8. 1957; Slavko Nikolovski, but ones data for Kole Nedelkovski, “literary word”, ⅺ, 2, Skopje, 1964, 15-17; Peco Temelkovski, memories of Kole Nedelkovski, “literary word”, ⅹⅰⅰ, 6, 1965, 7-11; Costa Popovski, life and work for Macedonia, “Student Word”, JJJVI, 1034, 9. ⅵ 1987, 10; Vasil Tocinovski, new knowledge of the first edition of the poetry of Kole Nedelkovski “Startoviki” since 1939, “Vecer”, Skopje, 28. ⅷ 1982, 10; The same, poet exile, Skopje, 1990; The same, Kole Nedelkovski. Life and work, Skopje 1997; Kole Nedelkovski, choice. IBOR and Preface Tomislav Todorovski, Skopje, 1987; Blaze Ristovski, when the poke “Lighting” from Kole Nedelkovski, “Literary Word”, Jujia, 2, 1985, 9-19; The same, when the poetryer “Lighting” from Kole Nedelkovski (History and significance in our literary development) is executed, in Kn.: Portraits and processes of Macedonian literary and national history, ⅱ, Skopje, 1989, 474-485; Dimche Aji Mitreski, memories of Kole Nedelkovski, Rev.: Memories of events and personalities from the Macedonian revolutionary movement. Choice, preface and newsroom Kuzman Georgievski, Skopje, 1997, 153-167. Bl. R. Pance Nedelkovski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НЕДЕЛКОВСКИ, Коле Недев