Micevski, Cyril

Micevski, Cyril (Skopje, 29. 1926 – 6. 2002) – Academician, a full professor of systematics and phylogenia of senior plants of PMF in Skopje. He received his doctorate at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje in 1958. In 1974 was elected as a correspondent member of MANU, in 1979 for a regular member. In 1995 He was elected as a correspondent member of Sazu, Ljubljana. He is the author of the six books from the first Tom of the capital work “Flora of the Republic of Macedonia”. He published over 120 scientific papers describing 45 new types of science in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia and a number of lower taxa. It processed the aquatic and mill vegetation of the Ohrid, Prespa and Dojran Lake, Katlanovo, Monospitovo, Pelagonia, Struga and Ohrid Blato, the marsh in a non-meadow bath, the lowland meadow vegetation, halophytic vegetation, partly vegetation of hill pastures, etc. The two monographs have in particular importance – for the vegetation of Malesh and Pijanec and Mount Bistra. VL. M. Blagoja Micevski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИЦЕВСКИ, Кирил

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