Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU) – The highest independent scientific and artistic public institution in the Republic of Macedonia, founded on 23. ⅱ 1967. In Skopje with the first President Blaze Koneski. Its historical roots are based on the cultural tradition especially since the end of the ⅹⅰⅹ and the beginning of the 20th century. Macedonian scientific-literary comrades in S.-Petersburg (1902- 1917), headed by D. Chupovski, ideally and practically sets the basics of contemporary Macedonian national science and culture. With its program (12. 1902) formulates the objectives and tasks, and the Constitution (16. 1903) showed the contemporary conditions and the development perspectives of the Macedonian people: it codified and the first time the first solemn session of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and the arts (1967) but introduces the Macedonian language in official use, publishes the first book (“For the Macedonian Works”, 1903) and the first scientific-literary magazine (“Vardar”, 1905) in that language and spelling, makes preparations for Macedonian schools and textbooks, prints Macedonia’s first map in Macedonian language (1913) and publishes the first national periodic edition (in Russian language) “Macedonianÿ Golosí (Macedonian voice)” (1913-1914), and with the program of the Macedonian Revolutionary Committee (1917) It allocates the state’s vision. His ideal follower and continuing is the Macedonian literary circle in Sofia (1936-1942), and its members become one of the founders of today’s MANU. The scientific and artistic activity of MANU develops through scientific and research projects in the five departments (for linguistics and literary science, social sciences, mathematical and technical sciences, for biblical sciences and art) and through the five scientific and research centers (for genetic engineering and Biotechnology, Energy and Informatics, Areal Linguistics, Strategic Research and Lexicographic Center). The choice for MANU members is carried out for three years. Members of the Academy are regular (academics), members outside the working composition and honorary members. The authorities of the Academy are the Assembly (consists of the regular members) and the presidency (composed of the president, vice-presidents and the Registrar (as members of the Executive Board), the secretaries of the departments and elected members). The Academy organizes individual and collective project research, scientific and ceremonies, exhibitions, concerts, literary readings, lectures and other events, and within the publishing activity publishes its periodic organs (“attachments”, “Chronicle”, “Newsletter”, “accessible Lectures, articles and bibliography of new members of MANU “, etc.) and collections of scientific gatherings, monographic studies and other special editions. MANU has its own library that provides services to readers and makes the exchange of publications with other academies and scientific institutions in the country and worldwide, as well as a special archive available to members, but also to external interested users and a department for international cooperation that it Organizes and leads co-operation with many foreign academies and other scientific institutions. AM: Law on the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Statute of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje, 1997; Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje, 2000. BL. R. The building of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet