Areal linguistics

Areal linguistics -. Linguistic discipline that studies the impact of factor space in life and evolution of language. Areal linguistics is investigating changes in the structure of the language jims as a result of its spatial contacts with other languages, both on dialect and the default level. In the interest of the areal linguistics, the phenomena include: linguistic interference, the interference of linguistic codes, bilingualism, multilingualism, respilence, etc. Most typical methodological approaches: contrastive / confrontative analysis and (at dialect level) linguistic geography. Research in the field of Areal Linguistics are of great importance for the general language theory, the theory of its evolution and the diachronic and synchronous typology of language systems. The Balkans as a multilingual territory is an attractive facility for research in the field of areal linguistics. In MANU (2000), a research center for Areal Linguistics (ICAL) is established. The main long-term projects realized in ICAL are: “International linguistic Atlases” and “functional and geographical feature of morph-syntactic Balkanisms”. Z. T.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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