The interception of precipitation in forest ecosystems – there is a small number of research on the interception of precipitation in forest ecosystems. She was studied in the oak flat-coven ecosystem in the National Park “Galichica” and the Government Board ecosystem in the National Park “Mavrovo”. Under the interception, the retention of the precipitation of the biomass of the overhead organs is understood. On average, it is 13% in the flat-core oak ecosystem, and 9.43% in the Govski Board ecosystem in the National Park “Mavrovo”. L. Gr. Inflation – Condition in the economy When the cash funds exceed commodity funds, which is due to an increase in the general level of prices (the prices of all goods and services). From the aspect of its dynamics, inflation can be: moderate (slight increase in the prices of goods and services, with its annual level not exceeding a single digit amount); galloping (assumes rapid increase in prices and its one-digit amount soon transitions in two-digit and three-digit); Hyperinflation (revolted prices and rates per year can grow for a million, and even billions of time). The most terrible episodes of hyperinflation have been observed in: Germany, between the two world wars (from the start. On 1922 to the end of 1923 prices rose from 1 to 10,000,000,000, which caused enormously impairment of money – if at the beginning of 1922 . Someone owned shares worth $ 300 million, two years later with them could not buy any candy); Greece (1943- 1944); Hungary (1923-1924); And more recently in a number of Latin American countries, in the SR Yugoslavia during the Mi-Losevic regime, etc. The consequences of hyperinflation are: enormous redistribution of national wealth, strong distortion of relative prices of goods and services and destruction of the country’s monetary system. From the aspect of the reasons that determine inflation, there is: inflation on the demand side (most often is the result of expansive monetary and budgetary policy); cost inflation (caused by the increase in the costs of enterprises – wages, prices of import raw materials, etc.); Staggrafation (at the same time presence of relatively high rates of inflation and unemployment and stagnant, and even declining rates of GDP – often as a consequence of petroleum shocks), etc. Significant inflation tendencies in SFR Yugoslavia and SR Macedonia occur in the middle of the seventies of the last century. Inflationary pressure in the Macedonian economy in the first half of the eighties was strong: in the period 1980-1984. Retail prices grew by 4.2 times, and the cost of living for four times. During 1991 The average inflation rate was 115%, and since 1992. The Macedonian economy penetrated the zone of hyperinflation (1.644%). Disinflation (lowering inflation in normal frameworks) began during 1993. And especially in 1994, when the Republic of Macedonia, in cooperation with the IMF, began to implement a brave anti-inflational program. Its basic pillars were: You-pistically restrictive monetary policy (significant increase in money supply M1 compared to previous years), followed by sharp budget constraints (the budget deficit of 13.4%, 1993, was reduced to 2, 7%, 1994), as well as with a policy of limiting salaries in the public sector and enterprises with a degree of privatization less than 5%. During 1996 The average inflation rate was 2.3%. Since then, this day, the Macedonian economy maintains high price stability (low inflation rates – between 1.5 to 2.5%). This disinflation effort was necessary, but he also had his social price (the so-called sacrifice coefficient) – a significant decline in the gross domestic product and an increase in unemployment.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet