Monryless insects

Suspected insects (Apterrupto) – the most primitive insects. Small, without wings (Aptermos gr. = Without wings) after which they received the name. Appear in larger populations within a specified period of the year. They live in wet and dark places along the coast of non-defeated waters, puddles, bars and lakes, in moves, after glaciers and snow on the mountains. In Macedonia, the subclassless insect is represented by the ranks: earthen fleas (severe), represented by 6 species, of which the Tomocerus Vehicle Skopje is Macedonian endemite; Benzenic insects, there are 2 types, and double-axis (Diplura), represented by 10 types. Lit.: J. Bogoevitz, a carbol. Zatellagus Fauna Yugoslavia, ACAD. SCI. Art. Slov., Lyubljanna, 1968, ⅲ / 6: 1-31; Yonce Sapkarev, the zoology of unbearty animals, Skopje, 1991; Vladimir Rowz and Branislava Mihailova, Biodiversity Oh Macendonia Fromm I Vinj Point Off Interest Faunisti. Participidion News Undect: Classes Insputer, Macedonian Museum of Natural Historz – Ministry of Otce, Final Report, Skopje, 1999, 23-30. C. T. K. – M. Cr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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