Holy Mother of God Zoomska

“Holy Virgin Zahumska” – Monastery Church on the east coast of Ohrid Lake, known as Zoom. It was built at the time of the cesser Grigure, the brother of Vuk Brankovic, in 1361. At the base, it is resolved as an inscribed cross with a single cube elevated on an osmugal tambour, which relies on four pillars. The facades are richly decorated with brick and stone, characteristic of the masonry of the sacred objects in Macedonia from ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ and ⅹⅳ century. As it is learned from the metrical inscription in the temple, the Church is boographed by the donation of the Bishop Devious Gregory. The overall fresco painting is derived in 1361 And today it is only partially saved. S “still preserved the residues of the frescoes in the dome with fragments of the figure of Jesus Christ Pantocrator (Almighty), under it are the representations of the angelic forces, and the prophets presents in the tambox. The performances of the four evangelists in the pendants are better preserved. On the upper zone together with the surface of the vaults, the cycle of large holidays is represented, and under them are Christ’s suffering. On the west side of the nave is the great stage of the Dormition of the Mother of God, in addition to which are scenes related to this holiday, and on the northern wall and the introduction of the Virgin in the temple. In the altar space is the liturgical service of the bishops over which there is a frieze from the dispersal of other bishops. The vision of Sts is painted in the prosthesis. Peter Alexandria. In the lower zone of the nave, on the south side, the figures of Sts are of particular importance. Clement, St. Naum Ohridski and the representations of the holy doctors, the appearance that is considered to have Ohrid thematic character. I would also mention the figures of the desert, and especially attention is also attracted to the representation of St. Ana chickpit. In the world science, the painting of the western facade side is still studied, where Jesus Christ is painted as King over the kings with the Mother of God Empress and St. John the Baptist, and in the lower zone are the Holy Warriors (St. George and St. Dimitrija) in noble clothes, then the pilasters the apostles Peter and Paul, and on both sides of the entrance, St. Zosima and Mary Egyptian as part. In the 1950s, conservation and restoration work of architecture and frescoes were carried out. Lit.: M. Evilibilities ¢, age Churches, and Ohrid, “Olderly”, ⅲ, Belgrade, 1925; -. SP. Radoys ¢, who raised Monastery Zaum?, “Historical Review”, 1, Belgrade, 1954; C. J. -Uni ¢, Byzantus Freske U Yugoslavians, Belgrade, 1974; R. Lubby ¢ – M. ¢ – ¢ – love ¢, medieval painting in Ohrid, Proceedings, Ohrid, 1961; A. Derocco, monumental and decorative architecture in Medieval Srbii, Belgrade, 1962; Cv. Grozdanov, Ohrid wall painting ⅹⅳ century, Ohrid, 1980, 103-120. Cv. Gr. – Cr. T.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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