Historical development of forest vegetation in the Republic of Macedonia. The vegetation cover in the Republic of Macedonia began to be formed in the old Tertiary-Paleoogen. Paleogenna Macedonia was an archipelago from islands in the ocean Tetis. Paleoogenic sediments in the form of laps today are prevalent in central Macedonia. In them F. Pad (1951) in Skopje and N. Pan-Tic (1956) In Ovche Pole found fossil prints from Palms Trackzazarpus and Sabal, then Tagodium, oweuja, cunmonam, oreodap, Passonia, Persea, MSR, DRAWSLOM, etc. On the basis of this floral composition, there is a conclusion that at the time of Paleogen dominated by tropical and subtropical vegetation, as it is found in Mexico and Southeast Asia. At the end of the oligocene, strong orogenic movements occurred. At today’s dimensions, the Alps, the dinaries, the Sharskopinda Mountains rose. That was the cause of the climate to cool down and move the arcether types of gender Azer, Alone, Tsarponus, Frasini, Paulus, Salid, Tilia and others, and in the mountainous lands, pizza, abiotes, Pinus, Thausus, Thaus, etc. In the sediments of the young Miocene, the highway near Veles (Karaslari) were discovered heaps of petrified fossil bones scrambled without row of monkeys, giraffes, gazelles, horses, mastodont, hyenas, etc. These bones are slightly prepared by flames. The same such were found in Greece in the Pickle, and deeply in the riverbed of Rhône. This indicates that in open places, vegetation of the type of savannas, both in central Africa, and a forest of Tagodium grew, from which coal in Oslomej and Nerezi (Skopje) grew. For this period, it is important that the Mediterranean Sea was reduced to two pool, west of the river Rhône and the east of the Nile and Drim rivers, and among the pools there was land. The catchment area of the River Drim Bi-Li biggest on the Balkan Peninsula and the migration roads to West Asia were opened. On this point Juniprereus Egceles, J. Phoethidissima, Pinus Palassiana, Center In the middle myphone, deep sinking of the valleys and their filling with sweet water. At the beginning of Pliocene, the mountains of Aegida, and the Aegean Sea arose in which lakes expired. In such a way, the migration roads towards the east and west, and from that moment, the Pleistocene epoch is performed. Pleistocene epoch (diluvium) are the decision of ASNOM for introducing the Macedonian language for the official language in the Macedonian state (August 2, 1944) characterized by 4 glacial decorations of the Laboratories of the Research Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGIP) at Manu Iodi and between them 3 intergnal. Only, only the vrrm period (25,000 to 12,500) have been studied. From it there are traces of Shar Planina, Korab, Jablanica, Jakupica, Pelister, etc. After this period, postgravium or hologne is performed, which is very well studied in Serbia, and in Macedonia there are fragmentary data. Postdialuvium is divided into 5 phases: 1. An overall phase – the fight and the birch dominate; 2. Boreal phase is dominated by oak; 3. Atlantic phase – optimal climate for mesothermatic vegetation, the beech is expanded; 4. Subboureal phase – The climate is hot and dry and spread Mediterranean species; 5. Sububate phase – lasts from 2500 PR. AD By 1700 It is the time of the destruction of forest complexes for obtaining agricultural land and pastures. Then the new ice time is up to 1900. PR. AD R. R. Historical Society of NRM – c. Union of the workers of the Historians of the Republic of Macedonia.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet