Hazar Mission (860-861) – Byzantine religious political mission of Thessaloniki Brothers St. Cyril and St. Methodius with Hazari at the request of the Hazar Kagan. Following the order of Emperor Michael ⅲ and Patriarch Photius, they left for the hallars to neutralize the conceptual confrontations of paganism, Jewish, Muhamedan and Christianity and to make the Krewest of Christianity to proclaim official religion and establish a centralized power in the kaganate. In preparing for Herson, they learned the Jewish language and a bi-Lo translated one grammatical work. There they also found the relics of the Roman Pope Clement and (and c.), For whom St. Cyril wrote three works: “Canon”, “Historical Story” and “Praise Word”. The mission resulted in mass baptism of hazards. X, which develop into cracks on rocks. Due to the very unfavorable environmental conditions of the casting, a small number of plant species (Hazmophyti), which are characterized by a very developed root system, participate in their composition. Adapted on quite small amounts of soil that accumulates in the cracks of the rocks, and with the activity of the root system participate in the process of decomposition of the rocky substrate, in the primary pedogenetic processes. Communities of this vegetation type are most often present after the eliminary mountain peaks, in many erosive places, where the parent substrate comes out on the surface, in the steep gorges of the larger rivers, in the coast of lakes and other places. Fitocenological, Hazmophytical vegetation on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia belongs to the class asplex-fresco: St. Methodius and St. Cyril in the church “St. George “in the village. Kurbinovo, Prespa (1191).: Payonal legends. Translation R. Ugrinova-Skalovska, Skopje, 1969; Pannical legends. Translation J. Such such, Skopje, 2001. Lit.: H. Polenakovic, in the dawn of Slavic literacy, Skopje, 1973; T. Mariasu, Hazaria Missya Constantine (EE meanence in JK), “Starbílgarar literature”, kn. 10, Sofia, 1981; C. Stojchevska-Antic, a history of Macedonian literature. Medieval Literature, Skopje, 1997; I. Velev, Byzantine-Macedonian literary ties, Skopje, 2005, 213-214 and 234-236. I. Well.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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